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The Bridge provides the flexibility to directly modify xUML service settings that have been defined with the E2E Builder in deployment or activity diagrams without re-deploying the xUML service. After the first deployment of the xUML service, the settings can be overwritten on the Settings tab.

Switch to the Settings tab in the information/working area. Users with administration rights are allowed to view and modify the xUML service settings of any xUML service. Users who are member of a group, to which the role MODELER has been assigned, are only allowed to view and modify them, if they themselves or a member of the same group deployed the xUML service.

Users who do not have the permission to view the settings cannot see the Settings tab at all. This prevents that unauthorized users access sensitive information like passwords, etc.

First, select the category of settings you want to change. The first settings in the list are displayed by default. The following two categories are provided in the Settings drop-down field.

  • Global Settings
    In this category, you can change the service settings such as e.g. the service control port, and other setting values that are global to the xUML service. Deployment information retrieved with deployment macros can be overwritten in this category, too (see Global Settings below).
  • Add-ons
    In this category, the settings comprise add-on related values like tagged values, interface URIs, and others. For instance, data of the SQL adapter, File System adapter, Timer, or SOAP service request may be overwritten. For more details, refer to the example in Add-on Settings.

You can only modify settings of xUML services, which have been stopped.

Once you have overwritten values of an xUML service on this page, they will be used permanently even when re-deploying the configuration with updated values. Setting values on this page will always overrule values that will be deployed with the xUML service afterwards. This rule also applies when updating or reinstalling the Bridge (by keeping the deployed xUML service). This does not apply if you remove the xUML service first and redeploy it again.

Within a settings category, choose the setting you want to modify.

Click Apply to apply your changes. Click View to refresh the working area. Click Export as CSV to export all settings to an Excel sheet.

Global Settings

If you want to define settings that can be used in multiple services, refer to Defining Overall Settings for Multiple E2E Services.

E2E Controller Service

Change here the service settings of the xUML service:

  • service control port
    Change the control port of the xUML service (see Frontend Components).
  • maximum connections
    Change the maximum number of parallel requests to this service.
  • resolve host names
    If set to true, the host name will be logged to the service logs instead of the IP address.

Settings / Deployment Macros

Example File (Builder project E2E Action Language/Operating):

<your example path>\E2E Action Language\Operating\uml\settings.xml

In this UML example, you can define name-value pairs with the setting macro in an activity diagram, or initial values of class attributes having the tagged value setting set to true. In doing so, you can modify these values on the Bridge by selecting the option Settings / Deployment Macros in the Global Settings category from the drop-down list (see picture below). These values will be overwritten permanently, too.

You can only modify settings of xUML services, which have been stopped.

Click Apply after you have changed the values. Changed values are displayed in bold until you save them. You can compare your changes to the original values coming from the UML model, which are displayed in a separate column.

Add-on Settings

The add-on settings are explained with an example using the SQL adapter. If you are running an xUML service that is connecting to a database backend, you can modify the tagged values of the database interface respectively dependency (see picture below). In this example, the key values displayed on this page correspond to the tagged values that have been defined in the UML model.

Before starting a deployed xUML service that connects to a database backend, you may want to redefine required database parameters in the Bridge.

SQL Adapter Connection Settings

Select the xUML service in the navigation on the left (in this example CustomerQuery). Switch to tab Settings and select the option SQL Adapter Connection in the Add-ons category from the drop-down list.

The default parameters are defined in the component diagram of the xUML service (see example ODBCExample below). The connection is defined by the xUML named ODBCExample and the SQL Alias named customers. The database user and password are defined in the tagged value user on the alias.

  • Deprecated since Builder 6.0

The default parameters are defined in the component diagram of the xUML service (see example ODBCExample below). The connection is defined by the xUML deployment named ODBCExample and the SQL service deployment named ODBCArtifact via the alias customers (see highlighted areas below). The database user and password are defined in the tagged value user on the dependency.

customers:DBTypeName of the SQL Service component, e.g. ODBC
customers:DBNameName of the database, e.g. NorthwindCustomers
customers:Connection PoolingMultiExcerpt named connectionPooling was not found -- Please check the page name and MultiExcerpt name used in the MultiExcerpt-Include macro
customers:Max Connection Reuse

MultiExcerpt named maxConnectionReuse was not found -- Please check the page name and MultiExcerpt name used in the MultiExcerpt-Include macro

MultiExcerpt named maxConnectionReuse_2 was not found -- Please check the page name and MultiExcerpt name used in the MultiExcerpt-Include macro

customers: Max Connection AgeMultiExcerpt named maxConnectionAge was not found -- Please check the page name and MultiExcerpt name used in the MultiExcerpt-Include macro
customers: Max Connection Idle TimeMultiExcerpt named maxConnectionIdleTime was not found -- Please check the page name and MultiExcerpt name used in the MultiExcerpt-Include macro

For more information on the SQL adapter settings (other tagged values, default values, ...) refer to SQL Deployment.

For each SQL adapter alias found in the activity diagrams of a UML model, you will find the SQL adapter connection settings as described above. According to the example above, you would find an alias called customers in the UML model of the deployed xUML service CustomerQuery.

SQL Adapter Authorization Settings

Now, select SQL Adapter Authorization from the list.

These settings allow you to adapt the SQL database user and password of the xUML service.

customers: DBUserDatabase user
customers: DBPasswordDatabase password

Once you have overwritten values of an xUML service's deployment on this page, they will be used permanently even when re-deploying the service with updated values. Setting values on this page will always overrule values that are deployed with xUML services later. This does not apply, if you remove the service before deploying it again.

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