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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space WADMINPAS and version 24.0

To create a new user account, you need at least the following data:

  • first name, last name
  • e-mail address

Creating a User

in the Scheer PAS Administration

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Select Add User in Users menu Users in the sidebar.

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An empty user data sheet opens

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Entering Personal User Data

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On the left side of the Master Data section, you have to insert the personal data of the new user.

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  • First Name, Last Name and E-Mail are mandatory.
  • The e-mail address provided in field E-Mail is used when the
business system
  • platform needs to send e-mails to the user.
  • The content of field Company is displayed in the
user's cockpit
  • portal header along with
  • the user name:
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By default, the validity of a user account is one year.

You can edit the default settings in the fields Valid from and Valid until:

  • Manually by inserting a date in format mm/dd/yyyy.
  • Additionally, a calendar opens.

If the date set for Valid until has expired, the user can no longer log in to the system, even if his account is still activated.

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Using the calendar
  • You can also click a date in the calendar to adopt it.
InfoIf the date set for Valid until has expired, the user can no longer log in to the system, even if his account is still activated.

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Entering Account Data

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On the right side of the Master Data section, the account specific data of the user can be filled in:

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  • User active:
    This checkbox allows you to manage, if the user account is activated and usable, or deactivated, so that the user cannot log in to the business system any more.
InfoIf the date set for Valid until has expired, the user can no longer log in to the system, even if his account is still activated.

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  • Create Sandbox:
    A sandbox is a personal profile. If you activate this checkbox, a sandbox is created along with the user account and directly assigned to the user's account.
    The notation for automatically created sandboxes follows the scheme: sandbox_Login.

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Insert the users Login




Please note: Once set up, the Login cannot be changed anymore.

This is the ID for the user to log in to the business system.

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Every login has to be unique.

Your entry in the Login field is checked automatically. If it is already in use, you will have to change the login name.

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The Login must not be empty.

Allowed characters are:

  • numbers 0-9
  • letters a-z and A-Z
  • special characters . - _ and !

The use of a valid e-mail address is also allowed.

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In the next
field, assign a password.

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Make sure that the password ...

  • is 8 to 42 characters long.
  • starts with a character.
  • is alphanumeric.
  • contains at least one number.
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    contains only the allowed special characters (!, @, #, $, %).

    You can display the password criteria by hovering over


    the Image Modified  icon.

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    If your chosen password is not matching the password criteria, the error message Password is invalid! is displayed.
    Enter a password that matches the password criteria.

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    The password is not visible when


    icon Image Modified is displayed.

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    Click the icon to display the password.

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    The visible password is indicated by icon Image Modified.

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    The content of field Language Selection determines the language of the user interface


    of the

    business system

    platform components.

    Default language is German. Click the arrow to display the list of available languages.

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    Expand the selection list to choose one of the available languages (English, German).

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    Choose the default language for this user.

    German, English and French are available.

    When you have inserted all personal data, you must assign a profile before saving the user data sheet. Otherwise
    the error message At least one profile must be assigned to a user! will appear

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    when you click the Save button.

    Assigning a Profile

    Every user needs at least one profile, otherwise he will not be able to work on the business systemplatform. The necessary standard profiles for the corresponding business system platform components are provided with every Scheer PAS Administrationin the user management. An overview on the standard profiles can be found in menu Profiles.

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    In a user data sheet, the profiles assigned to the user are listed in the Profiles window. If you create a new user, you start with an empty Profiles window.

    Click button Assign to add a profile



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    The list of all available profiles opens.

    Use the corresponding checkboxes to choose the roles you want to assign.

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    selected profiles are displayed in the footer of the list.

    Click Apply to assign the profiles to the user



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    Your selection is transferred to the Profiles window of the user data sheet.


    When all necessary profiles have been assigned, you can save the user data sheet.

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    The data sheet closes and the new user is displayed in the user list



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    You can use the link in the success message to reopen the user data sheet, for example to edit the user data or to check whether the sandbox has been created and assigned


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    titleExpert Tip
    We recommend to separate administrator accounts from user accounts. If one person should be system user as well as system administrator, he should use one account to access the business system and one account with administrator privileges.
    Example: Irene uses the account irene.adler for the business system with profile analytics_user to use Scheer PAS Process Mining. Account acme


    admin is her account with administrator privileges (profile platform_admin) Irene uses to log in to the Scheer PAS Administration.

    Assigning a Role

    You can assign roles just like you assign profiles.

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    Roles are assigned according to the same principle as profiles.

    Use the sidebar of the profiles window to switch to the roles window



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    Click the Assign button to open the list of available roles
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    Tick the checkboxes to choose the roles you want to assign to the user
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    All chosen roles are displayed in the footer of the list.

    Click Apply to assign the roles



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    Your selection is transferred to the Roles window of the user data sheet.

     When all necessary roles have been assigned, you can save the user data sheet:

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    titleOn this Page:

    Table of Contents

    titleRelated Pages:

