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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space WDESIGNER and version 22.1


(Name of Setting)
DescriptionAllowed Values
Specify here the protocol through which the REST service is accessible.http, https
Specify here the port through which the REST service is accessible.a valid port
Specify here the host running the REST service.a valid host
Base Path

Specify here the base path of the REST service.


Please note that the base path differs whether you want to access a Designer service from the outside of PAS or from the inside. When you trigger Designer services within the platform, use the part of the path starting with /rest/....

a valid path, e.g

. /support

  • /Idea_Management/rest/process/Idea_management if you want to access a Designer service from outside PAS

  • /rest/process/Idea_management if you want to access a Designer service from inside PAS
Ignore Http Errors

Specify here whether you want the REST adapter to throw an exception upon receiving an HTTP error code >= 400.

trueDo not throw an exception upon receiving an HTTP error code >= 400 (default).
falseThrow an exception upon receiving an HTTP error code >= 400.
Additional Request Headers
This attribute can contain a list of additional headers in form of name/value pairs.Valid format is: <name>:<value>, e.g. API-Key:acme . Separate multiple headers with a comma.
HTTP Header Role Definitions for Requests

Multiexcerpt include

Multiexcerpt include


Provide the client host in a header <http header name>instead of X-Sender-Host.


Provide the client service in a header <http header name> instead of X-Sender-Service.


Provide the correlation ID in a header <http header name> instead of X-Request-Id.


Provide the transaction ID in a header <http header name> instead of X-Transaction-Id.


Pass a present header <http header name> to the called service.

passthrough=<request header name>

Pass an present header <request header name> to the called service under the name of <http header name>.
This is equivalent to renaming a header.
Digest Algorithm

Generates a HTTP digest header using the specified algorithm. When applied, a digest header is generated using the specified algorithm, and sent with the request. The generated header conforms with RFC3230 and RFC5843.


Only one value is supported (no multi-value header).

NoneNo header generated (default).


Generate header using MD5 algorithm.


Generate header using SHA algorithm.


Generate header using SHA-1 algorithm.


Generate header using SHA-256 algorithm.
SHA-512Generate header using SHA-512 algorithm.
Accepted Count of Redirects to Follow
Specify here the maximum number of redirects to follow. Default value is 0 (no redirects).any integer, 0 (default)
cURL Options

Specify native cURL options as listed in Setting cURL Options on the URL Adapter.

Use one of the following syntax rules:

  • values separated by ',' in one line
  • values separated by ' ' in one line
  • list of attributes

Json Keep Null Values
When jsonKeepNulls is true, attributes of the REST parameter having NULL values will be provided with the REST call, otherwise they will be left out completely (see also chapter NULL Values).trueRender attributes with NULL values to the REST call.
falseLeave out attributes with NULL values in the REST call (default).
Json Compact Format
When jsonCompact is true, the JSON composer will generate compact JSON, otherwise it will generate pretty JSON.trueGenerate compact JSON (default).
falseGenerate pretty JSON.
Specify credentials here, if the called REST service needs basic authentication.Valid format is <user>/<password>, e.g. david.stringer/pAsWoRd456
Proxy Settings (if the called REST service is accessed via a proxy)
Proxy URL
Specify the URL of the proxy server.See CURLOPT_PROXY.
Proxy User
Specify the proxy credentials.See CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, format is <user>/<password>, e.g. david.stringer/pAsWoRd456
Proxy Type
Specify the proxy type.See CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE.
SSL Settings (if the called REST service uses SSL)
Specify a file name containing additional certificates for the connection verification (e.g. additional root CAs).See CURLOPT_CAINFO.
SSL Certificate File
Specify a fle name containing the client certificate.See CURLOPT_SSLCERT.
SSL Certificate Type
Specify the type of the certificate.See CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE.
SSL Private Key File
Specify a file name containing the private key.See CURLOPT_SSLKEY.
SSL Private Key Password
Specify the password for the private key.See CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD.
SSL Private Key Type
Specify the type of the key.See CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE.
SSL Verify Host
Specify whether to verify the host information form the SSL connection.See CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST.
SSL Verify Peer
Specify whether to verify the peer information from the SSL connection.See CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER.
