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Gui-less Installation of the Bridge

The gui-less installation provides a fast way to install or update the Bridge. You need to edit a properties file and run the installation.

  1. Login as root user and change to the location, to which you copied the installation files.

  2. Create and edit file in this folder.
    You can either create an empty file and copy the code block below into this file (make sure to use Unix line ends (LF) or download the template file from the FTP location from which you also downloaded the Bridge installer.

Please note, that the gui-less installation of the Bridge does not validate the installation properties defined in the .properties file.

To activate an option, a property value can be assigned a Boolean true. Do not assign the value false! Instead, deactivate the property by commenting it out (start the line with #).

Refer to Guided Installation of the Bridge with GUI for detailed descriptions of each setting.

Never change the after first installation, but use the same file for every update afterwards!

Bridge Bridge Only exception is, when you are moving from a version below to a higher version. Since then, the settings console.ip.address and console.hostname are mandatory. It is necessary that you edit your existing file before making an update installation. If you don't specify these settings, you will get additional node instances and proxy nodes and won't be able to deploy services anymore.

# Enter the installation directory of E2E Server:

# Enter the data directory E2E Server:

# Either log on as root account comment out the "system.userid" property), or
# log on as user account and enter the system user id for the E2E Console service (the user must exist):
# system.userid=e2ebridge

# Enter the port number (2000 - 9999), to which the E2E Console service will listen:

# Enter the port number (2000 - 9999), to which the E2E Console service will listen for shutdown
# (this port is bound to localhost only).
# Note: in case of multiple installations on one system, each E2E Server instance needs a different shutdown port number.

# Start E2E Console service on system startup.
# Comment out the "services.startup_system" property if you do not want to start E2E Console service on system startup:
# services.startup_system=true

# Start E2E Console service after installation.
# Comment out the "services.startup_now" property if you do not want to start E2E Console service after installation:
# services.startup_now=true

# Enter a password for user 'admin' to login to the E2E Console.
# This is the password to access the Web-based user interface E2E Console with user 'admin'./p> 

# Enter a password for the E2E Console service.
# You will need this password when importing this node instance into an E2E Server domain:

# Install in Server Mode (property "mode.server") or Workstation Mode (property "mode.workstation").
# You have to choose either of them. Comment out one of the following two lines:
# mode.workstation=true

# Only if you install in Server Mode:
# If you like to create an E2E Server domain, enter the domain name:

# Select an available IP address for this installation if you want to install more than one
# E2E Server and you have a static IP address. Otherwise use ''.
# This setting is mandatory since Console /

# Select the full qualified domain name which maps to the IP address or select 'localhost'.
# Only lowercase characters allowed.
# This setting is mandatory since Console /
console.hostname={Enter your node instance name here}

# Use UTC instead of local time.
# Keep the following line with property "console.timezone.utc" commented out, if you want to use local time on the Server:
# console.timezone.utc=true

After having edited the properties file, start the installation with the following command:

java -jar BridgeInstaller-xxx.jar -guiless -installproperties -debuglevel info

Continue with Checking the Installation.

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