
All stereotypes defined by E2E start with a capital letter and have an icon assigned. The default UML  stereotypes are written completely in lower case and do not have an icon assigned.

All tagged values defined by E2E start with a lower letter and do not have an icon assigned.


The structure of the Bridge profile follows the structure of this document. There are three basic packages:

  • Basic Architecture

  • Basic Behavior

  • Basic Structure

All stereotypes and tagged values found in these packages are explained in the corresponding chapters of this document.

Additionally each add-on is located in its own folder, containing all stereotypes and tagged values to define valid UML models for a given add-on. Again, these stereotypes and tagged values are explained in the corresponding sections of this document.


The Bridge profile location depends on the UML editor in use. For example, Magic Draw puts all profiles into <MagicDraw install root>/profiles. The name of the profile file is E2E Bridge

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