Developing Designer Libraries Using Java
The Designer supports the concept of libraries. You can use the Designer to create an xUML library, but, if you are an experienced Java developer, you can also create a library using Java. This Java library then can be compiled to an xUML library (xLib) that can be imported to the Designer as usual (see Working With Libraries for more).
The diagram below shows an overview on the involved components and the process:

Our Java xLib DevKit provides a good a starting point to create a completely new library. Or, if you have existing Java libraries you want to use in a Designer service, you need to rework the library as described in this chapter.
In all cases, the Java xLib DevKit contains the necessary structure, provides means to configure access to your PAS system, and comes with a set of gradle tasks that builds the Designer library for you.
To use the Java xLib DevKit, you need to
respect the xLib development particularities during the Java development
build the xLib library (using gradle).
You can download the Java xLib DevKit here:
Download Java xLib DevKit
The JavaLibrary_HelloWorld_Example is a simple Java service that uses the HelloWorld example operations from the Java xLib DevKit.
Click here to download a simple example model that uses the HelloWorld example from the Java xLib DevKit.