Manually Providing the REST Interface
It may be that the import of the YAML file to a connector fails or the REST service provides no description file at all. In this case, you can provide the needed definitions manually.
You need:
a REST alias
The REST alias specifies where the REST service is located and more connection options. Refer to the REST Adapter Reference for more details.a REST interface
The REST interface describes how resources of this endpoint can be accessed. On REST Import Rules you can find an overview on how OpenAPI entities are mapped to UML elements.
REST Alias
Add a RESTAlias to your service in the Service panel. How to add an alias is explained on Service Panel > Aliases. The REST adapter configuration options are explained on REST Adapter Reference.
REST Interface
You need to create the types, resources, operations and parameters that are used by the REST service manually in the Implementation folder. We recommend to store the information in a packet structure that resembles the structure that would be created when importing to a connector.
Element | Description | Example | ||
Main Package | Create a main package to store the API definitions. As a name, assign the name of the API as provided by the API description | SupportAPI | ||
Types Folder | Create a folder to store the API types (see API Types below). | Types | ||
Interface | Create a REST interface as described below. | API | ||
| Resources | Create REST resources as described below. | supportcases |
API Types
Collect all parameter and type information from the REST API documentation and create classes and their relations accordingly. If you followed the recommendations above, you should store them to the folder Types. Refer to Modeling Data Structures for more information on how to create packages, classes, and so on.
You do not need to depict the complete interface - it is sufficient to create the needed classes for the resources you want to access and the properties you want to deal with.
API Interface
Collect all needed information on the REST resources you want to access from the documentation of the REST service. You need to create all service elements that are listed as mandatory in the table below.
Element | Stereotype | Mandatory | Reference Link | Additional Attributes |
REST interface package | RESTInterface | |||
REST resource classes | RESTResource |
| ||
REST operations | REST |
| ||
REST parameters | RESTParameter | ( |
Create classes, operations and parameters in the correct structure and apply the necessary stereotypes. Set the additional attributes that are related to the stereotype as needed.
Create a package <your REST interface> (e.g. API) under package <your API name> (e.g. SupportAPI) and assign stereotype RESTInterface.
In this package, create REST resources (classes with stereotype RESTResource) and their operations (stereotype REST) and parameters (stereotype RESTParameter) according to the REST service documentation.
If the REST operation path contains fix segments (like e.g.
) that should not be URL encoded before accessing the resource, set tagged value isVerbatimPath to true. Refer to REST Adapter Reference for more details on this.If a REST parameter has an ugly name that would have to be escaped, use tagged value externalName. Refer to REST Adapter Reference for more details.
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