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File Upload




Form field where images and other documents can be uploaded. If the user clicks the upload button, he/she can select files to upload from a file browser. Alternatively, the desired files can be added with drag&drop into the marked frame.

The upload takes place as soon as a file is added to the element. Uploads are stored to the file storage of the PAS installation, to a path related to the sandbox of the current user (sandbox_<user name>/<identifier>, e.g. sandbox_david.stringer/1e10d48a-db07-4589-9e5f-8bb6448ef657). The uploaded files can be referenced in forms.


String or Array of String


The file upload element can only be prepopulated via the Attributes panel in the Form Editor. There, you can upload one or multiple files to the file storage, and add a reference within the file upload element.

  • You cannot overwrite these default nor add more files dynamically in your model.

  • The default files cannot be removed from the element in the running application.
    Exception: For elements with Upload Type = Single, any default will be replaced by a newly selected file.


Refer to Modeling Forms for further information regarding editing of form elements using the context menu.

Configuration Options

Use the Attributes panel to edit the form element.



Allowed Values / Examples


Technical identifier for data processing and not visible for the end user.

Alphanumercial characters and underscore.

It is not allowed to start the name with a number.


A commentary field for the developer. The content is invisible to users and its sole purpose is internal documentation.

Any string.


Field name shown in the form.

Any string.


The element must be filled or used if the checkbox is activated.


Element must be filled.


Element may remain empty (default).


This field is write-protected. When you use the option, Read-only is added to the bottom right of the element:



User cannot enter values.


User can enter values (default).

Max File Size

In this field you can limit the size of a file. Each file is checked individually against the restriction. The unit of measurement is megabyte, a period is used as separator.

Decimal number with period as separator.

Upload Type

Use this option to specify whether only one or multiple files may be uploaded.


Allows to upload only one file.


Allows to upload several files.

Allowed File Types

If you want to allow certain file types only, specify the types you want to allow in this field. Separate multiple file types by comma.

Alternatively you can click the link icon in the attributes panel to open a separate window where you can enter one file type per row. Click Add to add a new row, click the X icon to delete a row.
Confirm your changes with Save , or discard pressing Cancel.

All common file extensions.

Example: .docx,.jpg

Allowed Mime Types

A mime type t is a two-part identifier for file formats and format contents used by internet protocols such as HTTP and document file formats such as HTML. As with the file type, there are two ways to specify values for the mime type. On the one hand, the type can be entered in the value field in the attributes. Separate multiple types by comma.

Alternatively you can click Open configuration in the attributes panel to open a separate window where you can enter one mime type per row. Click Add to add a new row, click X to delete a row.
Confirm your changes with Save, or discard clicking Cancel.

All common mime types.

application /msword

Default Files

The element is empty by default but you can preset the element with a default file:

  • Click the upload button to upload a file to the server. The file name will be displayed at the bottom of the element. Click the file name to download it. To remove the upload, click X.

  • In the attributes panel, click Open configuration to open the upload view. Use the Browse button to search your computer and select the file you want to upload. Click the download button to download the file. To remove it, click Delete.

No restrictions.
Also does not have to match the mime type, specified upload size or file type.

CSS Class

Enables a field-acurate layout customization.

A valid CSS class.

Custom Attributes

The attribute is used to activate Angular directives, that are created as development kit (devkit) library to expand the default functionality.

For detailed information about Angular directives, visit the official Angular documentation. For details about the usage of the Custom Attributes, refer to Developing Custom Directives.

  • empty attribute

  • attribute with value (e.g. color="red")

  • multiple entries separated by space (e.g. color="red" multiline max="5")

Symbol Type

Displays the type of the form element in read-only mode.



Click here to download a simple example model that shows how you can configure form elements in Scheer PAS Designer.

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