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Authenticator Service

When developing services with the Designer, you will come to a point where you want to access system resources or want to send requests to other services. To be able to do that, you need to authenticate where your request comes from so that the PAS system can check if your request is valid and allowed.
These authentication requests are handled via tokens by the authenticator service.

Get a New Token

The authenticator service returns authentication tokens on request.




Get a new valid token to identify a requester


This operation returns a new valid authorization token for the current service. it is the same as getServiceAccountToken() but implemented as a static operation so that you do not need to create an instance of AuthService first.


This operation returns a new valid authorization token for the current service.

Get a new valid token for header usage


This operation returns a valid authorization token for the current service. The token is ready to use for authentication headers as it already has the "Bearer " part at the beginning.

Get Information From a Token

Having an instance of the authenticator service (which you can get with getAuthService()), you can get the following information:




UUID of the given token


This operation returns the UUID of the provided token.

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