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BASIC Authentication

This policy enables HTTP BASIC Authentication on an API. You can use this policy to require clients to provide HTTP BASIC authentication credentials when making requests to the managed API.

Do not use the BASIC Authentication policy together with the other authentication policies Keycloak OAuth and JWT. The chaining of these policies is currently not supported, but this may change in future versions.

Configuration Options

OptionTypeDescriptionPossible ValuesDefault
Authentication RealmStringDefines the BASIC Auth realm that will be used when responding with an auth challenge (when authentication is missing or fails).--
Transport security requiredBoolean

Enabling this will require clients to use https.

Please disable the TLS check if you are using Scheer PAS 21.1 or a newer version, because all PAS components are running behind a proxy server.

true / falsefalse
Forward Authenticated Username as HTTP HeaderStringIndicates the name of an HTTP header to send with the principal/identity of the authenticated user if authentication succeeds.
Useful when the backend API needs to know the identify of the authenticated user.
Basic Auth requiredBoolean

Must be set to true so that BASIC authentication credentials are required.

Make sure that this option is true if you want to use this policy for authentication.

true / false

Identity SourceObject

Additionally, one of the complex properties must be included in the configuration, indicating whether API Management should use JDBC, LDAP or Static information as the source of identity used to validate provided user credentials.

Configuration details of the identity source are listed 18189455.



Identity Source Configuration Options

Identity SourceContentTypeDescriptionPossible ValuesDefault
ObjectAllows you to provide a static set of user names and passwords.--
Static Identities Object

Contains a set of user names and passwords.

Not recommended for production.



Supported Databases

Only PostgreSQL, MariaDB and MySQL are supported.


This object is included when you wish to use JDBC to connect to a database containing user and password information.

JDBC TypeEnumType of JDBC connection to use.
Configuration details of 18189455 and 18189455 see below.
Data Source
Data Source
Also extract user roles from the DBBooleanSet to true if you also want to extract role information from the database.true / falsefalse
Roles SQL QueryStringIf Also extract user roles from the DB is true: SQL query to use when extracting role information. The first parameter passed to the query will be the username.--

JDBC MariaDB Example - do not use unadapted!

# example db
# example table 
# example insert statement
INSERT INTO users(password,name,create_time) VALUES(SHA1('secret'),'test.user','2023-07-05 00:00:00'); 

When "JDBC Type" is Data Source

Data Source is not available in a PAS environment.

JDBC DatasourceStringThe JNDI path of the datasource to use (only when type is Data Source).--

When "JDBC Type" is URL

JDBC URLStringThe URL to the JDBC database.--
JDBC UsernameStringThe username to use when connecting to the JDBC database.--
JDBC PasswordStringThe password to use when connecting to the JDBC database.--
JDBC Password (verify)StringPassword repetition to verify the password.--
SQL QueryStringThe SQL query to use when searching for a user record. The first parameter passed to the query will be the username, the second parameter will be the (optionally hashed) password.--
Password Hash AlgorithmEnumThe hashing algorithm used when storing the password data in the database.None
LDAP Deprecated since PAS 23.1.1

ObjectThis object is included when you wish to connect to LDAP when validating user credentials.--

For usage of LDAP, please use the Keycloak OAuth Policy. Verify with the Scheer PAS support, that your LDAP server is configured as user federation inside Keycloak.

LDAP Server URLStringThe URL to the LDAP server.--
LDAP Bind DNStringThe pattern to use when binding to the LDAP server (use of ${username} is possible).--
Bind to LDAP AsEnumChoose whether to bind directly to LDAP as the authenticating user (UserAccount), or instead to bind as a service account and then search LDAP for the user’s record (ServiceAccount).
Configuration details for 18189455 see below.
The inbound user
A Service account
The inbound user
Also extract user roles from the directory BooleanSet to true if you want to extract role information from LDAP.true / falsefalse
Group Membership AttributeStringIf Also extract user roles from the directory  is true:  The attribute representing the user’s membership in a group. Each value should be a reference to another LDAP node.--
Role Name AttributeStringIf Also extract user roles from the directory  is true: The attribute on a role LDAP node that represents the name of the role.--

Only when "Bind to LDAP" is Service Account

Service Account Username / Service Account Password ObjectThe credentials are saved as an object with two properties: username and password . The credentials are used when initially binding to LDAP as a service account.--
User Search Base DN / User Search Expression ObjectAn object with two properties: baseDn and expression. Used to search for the user’s LDAP record so that it can be used to re-bind to LDAP with the appropriate password.--
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