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Step 2: Configuring the Instance List

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In addition to the standard information items Current Task and Instance Id, David wants to display some more information items in the instance list:

  • vendor name

  • item

  • quantity

He also does not want the Instance Id to be displayed.

Good to Know: What is the instance list?

Each application offers two basic functionalities during execution: The user can start a process (and create a so-called process instance) and he can view the existing instances that have not yet been completed. These "instances in progress" are displayed in the instance list. For each BPMN model, a dedicated instance list is generated. During modeling, you can freely define which data should be displayed in the instance list.

Especially for role-based applications, not every user should have access to all instances. Therefore, the Designer also provides a role-based authorization concept for the instance list that allows you to define which user is authorized to see the instance list of the respective process.

If you want to learn more about the instance list, refer to the chapters Configuring the Instance List and Running Designer Applications in the Designer Guide.

To configure the instance list, open the context menu of the BPMN model Order_approval_1 and select option Edit Instance List:

The instance table opens in a new tab:

You have two options to open the Column Configuration of the instance table:

  • Click option Open configuration in the table view on the canvas.

  • Click option Open configuration in the attributes panel of the instance list.

The Column Configuration editor opens:


Use option Add to create three additional columns for the instance list. Enter name and label of the persisted variables to be added in the corresponding fields as follows:




Vendor Name


Ordered Item


Ordered Quantity


Since you do not want to show the id, select option Hidden for this entry:


Now you can rearrange the order in which the content should be displayed in the instance list. You want to display the content of the instance list in the following order:

  • Quantity

  • Item

  • Vendor Name

  • Current Task

Use the drag handle in front of each row to change the current order:


Confirm your changes with Save:


You will see the result of your configuration of the instance list later on.

For more information on the column configuration editor in general, e.g. an explanation of all buttons and fields within the editor, refer to Configuring the Instance List in the Designer Guide.

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