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Tutorial 3: Showing Process Data in the Instance List

In this tutorial you will learn how to map process-related data to have it available in the instance list. You will also learn how to configure and use the instance list. Follow our example user story and help David Stringer perform his tasks.

All content in a lighter font color refers to the story of the tutorial.

Follow Our Example User Story

David Stringer of ACME Corp. has created a simple order approval service for their purchasing department. But he is not yet satifdied with the information displayed in the instance list. Therefore he wants to configure the instance table to show process-related data.

You are going to help him with that task.

As a prerequisite for this tutorial, you must have completed Tutorial 2: Adding Execution and Mapping Data. If you have not yet finished the second tutorial, you can import the service from tutorial 2 to continue. Download the solution service of tutorial 2 here:

If you are doing a trial and you have already received your personal credentials, you can access the PAS systems as follows:

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