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Starting with Lesson 3


In this lesson, you will extend the Web service of lesson 2. It will read data from an XML file, implement a search mechanism, get some additional information from an external Web service, and manipulate data.

The development process will be iterated through two times. In the first iteration, you will use the file system adapter to read product data from the XML file, a filtering mechanism will be implemented, and you will learn how to work with arrays. In the second iteration, you will use the SOAP adapter to call a SOAP operation. The exchange rate conversion example will be reused, and you will learn how to work with further Action Language operations, actions with special behavior, and iterations.

The example will be ready to be compiled and deployed after each iteration of the development process. At that point, you will be able to test the Web service with the Interactive Debugger and see first results.

Reusing the Lesson 2 Model

Open the Builder project Education, and open the UML® model file lesson2 if it has not been opened directly. Save the file as lesson3.

Select the diagram tab Product Query Overview to display the use case diagram in the diagram pane. Then, right-click the tab and select Close All Tabs But Current. This will close all open diagrams except the use case diagram Product Query Overview.

Needed Files

The lesson 3 service will read data from an XML file and call an external web service. The XML file catalog.xml and the WSDL of the ExchangeRateProvider web service are provided with the E2E examples. But you can also download them here:

Make sure, that you can locate the file catalog.xml on your system. Keep the file path in mind, where you actually installed/downloaded the file to, as you will need it in the UML model when defining the file backend in the component diagram.

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