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Step 1: Creating an Organization

In API Management, almost everything exists in the context of an organization. To be able to manage APIs, plans and clients, you need to create an organization first.


  • If you have already created a test organization with another tutorial, you can skip this step and proceed.

Good to Know: What is an organization?

An organization is a container of other elements: plans, APIs, and clients are defined in the organization. An organization contains and manages all elements used by a company, department, etc. within API Management.

Every user must be associated with at least one organization to be able to manage elements in the application. Scheer PAS API Management implements role-based access control for users. The organization membership of a user defines the actions he is able to perform and the elements he can manage within the organization. Before any other actions can be taken, an organization must exist. All other operations take place within the context of an organization.

Refer to Organizations in the API Management Guide for more detailed information.

As a best practice, we recommend creating an organization that is exclusively dedicated to testing purposes.

After opening API Management, click Create at the bottom right to open the creation menu:

Click Create Organization to add a new organization:

Please make sure that the name of the created elements such as organizations, APIs, clients etc. is unique. You can use your own name as pre- or suffix, e.g. PublicEchoAPI_David.

A wizard supports you during the creation process. First, enter a Name and an optional Description for your organization:

  • Name: Use your own last name (e.g. STRINGER)

  • Description: Test Organization of your name (e.g. David Stringer)

Click Next to continue:


The Summary allows you to check your entries. Click Create Organization to confirm your settings and create the new organization, click Back if you want to adapt your entries:


The new organization has been created. The organization's detail page opens automatically. Now you are ready for the next step:


Refer to Organizations in the API Management Guide to learn more about the details of an organization and its configuration options.

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