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How to Change the Database for Persistent States

Default: SQLite

By default, the database that stores all persistent states for the BPMN process is a SQLite database that resides in the xUML service container itself. SQLite, an embedded, small footprint, relational database is provided with your PAS installation. The database model is automatically initialized upon start-up and updated if a new firmware version should require it.

The SQLite default database should only be used for development and testing. In case of a service crash you can lose data, or the database can be corrupted (which prevents a service re-start).

Other Database Management Systems

To store your process data (persistent states), you can use any other supported RDBMS system. Currently, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and MariaDB are supported. Which database is to be used can be configured in the xUML service configuration.

If you want to use MariaDB, please contact the Scheer PAS support team. They will setup a database for you.

The standard database alias for the persistent state database is called State DB. You need to adapt the following configuration entries:

You can easily find these configuration entries by filtering the list by the term state.




Persistent State

Persistent State: Database

Define where the persisted data and additional information like pending events and current states are kept.

State DB

The persistent state data is kept in an external database, referenced by the State DB alias (see configuration below).

SQL Adapter Connection

State DB: DB Type

Specify the type of the database you want to use.

Oracle, SQLServer, MySQL (default), SQLite, MariaDB

State DB: DB Name

Specify the name of the database you want to use.

SQL Adapter Authorization

State DB: DBUser

Specify the database user.

State DB: DBPassword

Specify the database password.

There are more configurations for the SQL connection, like e.g. for connection pooling and Unicode settings. Refer to SQL Adapter Reference for more information on these.

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