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New Features of MagicDraw 18

MagicDraw 18 comes with lots of new features (see What's new in MagicDraw 18.0 LTR (Long-Term Release)?) and some of them are interesting for modelers in Bridge context.
Find below a list of all this features and their benefit for Modelers.

FeatureDescriptionRead more ...
Modeling Improvements
UI table sortingMagicDraw 18 provides an new easy way to rearrange the columns of UI tables.Table Column Order
parameter creationWhile creating a new parameter, you now can directly enter the direction of the parameter (in, out) in front of the parameters name.
find and replace

Search for element names, documentation and tag value occurences in your model. Replace the found element with another value. Also find and replace text included in notes and text boxes with another text.

Use Find and Replace very carefully as this function can replace the sought element in the whole model.

more modeling efficiency

Some changes to the user interface that increase modeling efficiency:

  • smarter path layout
  • possibility to open diagram in same tab
  • a new create diagram screen
  • elements (e.g. action nodes) can easily be swapped just by dragging and dropping them / context menu
Increased Modeling Efficiency
new tab navigationIn MagicDraw 18 you can now choose to open diagrams either in the same tab or in a new tab, which allows to analyze different aspects of the system in separate tabs. It also helps to limit the number of opened tabs. Backward and forward navigation is supported for each tab separately.Tabbed Browsing
New Functionality
glossaryMagicDraw 18 now provides the possibility to add a glossary table to a project. Glossaries can be shared throughout project via modules.
You can simply add terms to your glossary while editing. Glossary terms then will get underlined in your model and by hovering with your mouse over the term, the term's description will be displayed. Use existing terms while creating new elements in MagicDraw.
model based requirementsMagicDraw 18 allows you to import requirements from ReqIF standard and to track their implementation throughout the model. Requirements and their relationship to model elements can be displayed in different diagrams and tables. Fulfillment of requirements can be validated by MagicDraw model validation.New Plugin for Model Based Requirements Management
making your model available for external readers
With MagicDraw Enterprise Edition, you can export your MagicDraw project to a HTML page, a so called Software Engineering portal. In this portal, readers can browse all diagrams and other definitions of the model you selected to publish, without having MagicDraw installed.New Software Engineering Portal for Sharing Projects
... and more, see What's new in MagicDraw 18.0 LTR (Long-Term Release)?.
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