If starting with a clean installation, there is nothing to do.

API Management 7.6.0 comes with the new Developer Portal. If updating an installation of API Management, follow the steps listed on Updating API Management and pay attention to the following changes:

There is an issue with the CORS policy. If your are updating to API Management 7.6.0 and want to use this policy, please contact our support.

During the Update Process

After Having Applied the Update

You need to add new configurations to Keycloak.

  • You need to add the new client devportal to your Keykcloak.
    This can be done by importing the Keycloak settings file that has been shipped with the installation files. This file is located here: api-mgmt-<VERSION>.zip/api-mgmt/configs/bootstrap/keycloak-default-realm.json.

    Select Import from the menu of the Apiman realm, and select the above mentioned file for import.

    Select option Skip for what to do if a resource to import already exists in the target system.

    If you do not select skip, the import will not only add new resources but overwrite the definitions in your Keycloak instance.

    After a successful import, a log is displayed that lists the added elements.
  • Configure the devportal client in Keycloak as described on Installing API Management > Step 4: Configure the Authentication Service (Keycloak).
  • Verify that the existing admin user has role setting view-profile.
    1. Select Users from the menu of the Apiman realm.
    2. Click View all users.
    3. Click Edit on the admin user.
    4. Switch to tab Role Mappings.
    5. Select account from drop-down box Client Roles.
    6. If the admin user has no view-profile role assigned, select this role and add it to the list of Assigned Roles.