Action Script Editor MenuMenu ItemHotkeyDescription
File > CloseCtrl + EnterCloses the Action Script Editor and saves the Action Script..
File > CancelEscCloses the Action Script Editor without saving the Action Script.
Edit > UndoCtrl + ZReverses the last edit.
Edit > RedoCtrl + YRedoes the last undo.
Edit > CutCtrl + XCuts the highlighted action script snippet from the Action Script Editor.
Edit > CopyCtrl + CCopies the highlighted action script snippet from the  Action Script Editor.
Edit > PasteCtrl + VPastes clipboard content into the Action Script Editor.
View > Show Empty Suggestions

This option being enabled, the Action Script Editor indicates by a red drop-down list box, when there are no suggestions available.

Code > CommentCtrl + NumPad /Toggles highlighted action script to comment and vice versa.
Code > ExpansionSpaceDisplays the action script drop-down proposal list.
Code > CompletionCtrl + SpaceForces the display of the action script proposal list.
Global Ops > <ClassName>
Displays some classes and their global operations. Operations can be selected and are inserted into the Action Script Editor.