The Element Process Navigation

Element Icon
in Sidebar

Form Field

Function The process navigation (breadcrumb navigation) shows the user which process step he is currently in and how he got there. The element is mostly used in a form's header. The name of the corresponding function from the EPC is displayed in the arrows.
Default A newly created process navigation element contains the arrows Step 1, Step with Form 1, Step 2, Step with Form 2. During configuration of the element, you are also able to define that only steps with a form are displayed (see below).

The example shows the process navigation in the ACME Customer Database app in which customer address data is managed. The input of data takes place in three steps: Entering personal data, Entering address details and Showing summary. The process navigation is configured to show only process steps with forms.
The current process step is highlighted: In our example, the user is currently in step Showing summary.

Configuration Options

Show Only Steps with Form

If this option is activated, the process navigation only displays process steps for which a form has been defined.

Number of Shown Steps

The process navigation shows the complete path a user has taken in the process, so this can lead to long paths. The option Number of Shown Steps allows you to define a maximum number of steps the process navigation should display at the same time. The default value is -1 (all steps are displayed).