Reorganization Page Overview

The Reorganization page is part of the Administration Tab, which allows database reorganizations by managing definitions and attributes.

Select a database from the list to display the following sections:

  • Attributes
  • Unused Attributes
  • Definitions

Attributes and Unused Attributes

Inside the Attributes section there is a field where you can enter the attribute name for filter. The search is not case sensitive.

When you have entered the attribute name, press the Expand button to display the search result. If you do not enter an attribute name, a list of all attributes defined in the selected database is displayed.

You can copy the attribute id by clicking on the corresponding icon next to the selected attribute in the list. The message Attribute definition copied to clipboard will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.

You can collapse the attribute list by clicking the Collapse button.

Delete Unused Attributes

When a database is selected, all attributes that are defined but not used in any objects or models can be deleted by clicking the Delete unused button. Also single attributes can be deleted.


At the bottom of the Reorganization page a section intended for managing definitions can be found, which will enable the reorganization of the database by deleting unused definitions.

Delete Unused Definitions

When a database is selected, all definitions that are defined but not used in any models can be deleted by clicking the Delete unused button.

Run Fix Tools

Clicking the  Run fix tools button allows you to run additional handwritten scripts that will update the database due to the loss of definitions of some objects.

It is intended to solve all known problems in situations when some of the previously created models cannot be adequately opened.

Manual Script Upload

Clicking this button will allow you to upload handwritten scripts for MongoDB. It is intended to add new scripts in case the click of the Run fix tools button does not solve the problem.

Generate Heap Snapshot

It is intended for inspection of used memory and should not be used without prior consultation with the Administrator.