Requirements and Package Formats

The RESTifier for SAP is delivered as a Node.js package. To run the RESTifier package, you need a BRIDGE running on Windows 64 bit or Linux 64 bit, or an installation of Node.js.

The RESTifier for SAP runs on 64 bit versions of Windows and Linux only.

Refer to the table below for a list of dependencies between RESTifier and BRIDGE/Node.js versions.

BRIDGE VersionRESTifier VersionNode.js Version
Bridge 77.1.0RESTifier for SAP version
7.0.0RESTifier for SAP version
For BRIDGE 7, you need E2E RESTifier for SAP version 3 or higher.

Bridge 6

Bridge 5.1

RESTifier for SAP version 2.2 - and 6.10.x
> for SAP version 2 -
< for SAP version 1.x0.10.x

If you will be using the RESTifier behind a proxy, please also refer to Using the RESTifier Behind a Proxy.

Installing the RESTifier for SAP

Download the package and deploy it to your BRIDGE as described in Deployment of Node.js Services.

  1. If you are deploying a RESTifier as of version 2, make sure to have at least a Bridge installed. As of this BRIDGE version, Node.js 4.x LTS is included, which is needed by the RESTifier.
  2. Each BRIDGE has a maximum upload size that can be configured in the node instance preferences. If the RESTifier packages fails to upload, you may need to increase this value.

Before starting the service you need to define some environment variables.


The SAP host information and cache are stored in this directory. If you don't specify the variable, all configuration data will be lost, when you update the package.

You only need this for BRIDGE versions before 6.0.52. BRIDGE 6.0.52 or later defines the environment variable already.
LD_LIBRARY_PATHRESTifier for SAP 3.1.xnode_modules/@e2ebridge/sapnwrfc/compiled/8.11/linux/x64You only need this variable on Linux.
RESTifier for SAP 3.0.xnode_modules/@e2ebridge/sapnwrfc/compiled/8.9/linux/x64
RESTifier for SAP 2.x
BRIDGE with Node.js 6
RESTifier for SAP 2.x
BRIDGE with Node.js 4.4.x
RESTifier for SAP 1.x
BRIDGE with Node.js. 0.10.x
PATH  RESTifier for SAP 3.1.xnode_modules/@e2ebridge/sapnwrfc/compiled/8.11/win32/x64You only need this variable on Windows.
RESTifier for SAP 3.0.xnode_modules/@e2ebridge/sapnwrfc/compiled/8.9/win32/x64
RESTifier for SAP 2.x
BRIDGE with Node.js 6
RESTifier for SAP 2.x
BRIDGE with Node.js 4.4.x
RESTifier for SAP 1.x
BRIDGE with Node.js. 0.10.x

Now you can start the sap-restifier service and open a browser at http://localhost:3000 to configure your SAP host. Having done that, the RESTifier for SAP is ready to use.

List of other supported environment variables:

PORTPort number of the service. Default is 3000.
NODE_ENVLog all http requests in restifier.log (value development) or not (value production.) Default is production.
LOG_DIRTo this directory the log files are written. Default is ../logs which is good for the BRIDGE to display the logs in the UI.
UV_THREADPOOL_SIZEIncrease number of concurrent SAP connections. Default is 4.