Users have two options to create a client:

Creating a Client in API Management

Click Create Client to add a new client.

In the first step, select the organization in which the client should be created.

Since clients can only be managed within an organization, you can also create a new client from the empty Clients tab of an organization details page. Simply use the link Click here to create a new client.

In the next step you can check your entries again. The summary is read-only.

  • Click Create Client to finish.
  • Click Back if you want to revise your settings.
  • Click Cancel to abort the whole creation process.

After a successful creation, you will be taken to the client's details page.

For detailed information about all client details, go to Client Settings.

Creating a Client in the API Developer Portal

Users can only consume an API through a client. Since there may also be API Management users who can only access the API Developer Portal, it is important that these users are also allowed to create clients.

To create a client in the API Developer Portal, search for the API you want to consume.

A wizard will open. It supports you to create a contract between a client and the selected API.

The wizard offers two options:

  • You can create a new client.
  • If your user has the permission to use or create clients in different organizations, you can select the desired client from a drop-down list.

Refer to Creating a Contract for step-by-step instructions on the entire process.