The URL adapter uses cURL. In some cases you might want to set cURL options on an URL adapter request, e.g. to specify a timeout. You can do that by adding these cURL options on the URL alias to the options attribute. To specify multiple cURL options, list them separated by ',' (comma) or ' ' (blank). If an option allows for multiple values, you can concatenate them by using the '|' (pipe) operator.


  • CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT=60 (see note below for a hint regarding this option)

Setting cURL Options dynamically

Alternatively, it is possible to provide the cURL options dynamically.

The options parameter is an array of Base Components.Add Ons.Option, describing a name/value pair. Set the cURL option you want to provide to attribute name and the value to attribute value.
Then, provide the options array to parameter options of the URL adapter as shown below.

Persisted variable curlOptions is an array of Option. It contains the cURL options as name/value pairs. The execution diagram provides this variable to the parameter option of the URL adapter call (request).
The contents of curlOptions need to be prepared before in a dedicated operation, e.g. a mapping diagram.