aString = getServiceContextValue(protocol, parameter)
SemanticsReturns a String with the value of the chosen service context parameter related to the current request.
Substitutablesprotocol A String specifying the protocol, of which a parameter is requested.  
parameterA String specifying the name of the requested parameter.
set ip = getServiceContextValue("tcpip","remoteIPAddress"); 
set agent = getServiceContextValue("http","user-agent"); 
//currentServiceDirectory = the home of the current configuration, e.g.: D:\E2E_BRIDGE_DATA\bridge_Test 
set currentServiceDirectory = getServiceContextValue("SystemEnvironment","INSTANCE_HOME");

Supported protocols

Supported protocols are dependant on the service type. See function getServiceContext() for more details. 

Supported parameters








RemoteIPAddressIP address of host that initiated the request. If a proxy is used, this is the IP of the proxy server.
RemotePortPort number, from which the request was initiated.
RemoteHostNameName of the host that initiated the request. If not resolvable, the IP address is returned.
LocalIPAddressIP address of the machine this service runs on.
LocalPortPort number of this service.
LocalHostNameName of the host this service runs on. If not resolvable, the IP address is returned.





MethodHTTP method used to invoke this service. Usually, it returns POST.
URIURI called to invoke this service.
BodyComplete content of the HTTP request invoking this service.
<header>Any other name will return the value of the HTTP header of the same name, if it exists.



HeaderComplete source of the SOAP header sent to invoke this service.
BodyComplete source of the SOAP body sent to invoke this service.


<environment variable name>

Value of the operating system environment variable. This call returns a value for all service types.
Note: the accessible environment variables can be inspected in the start log of the current service (see Server User Guide for more details).



HostLocal host name. This call returns a value for all service types.
IPIP address of the local host. This call returns a value for all service types.
UserThe operating system user who is executing the current service. This user has nothing to do with the external user who might invoke a service. Thus, this call returns a value for all service types.