In the root state machine of a generated process, transitions between states can be automatically, time triggered, or signal triggered. Time triggered and signal triggered transitions can be controlled via the Bridge Integration Platform, or the Bridge API and xUML Runtime API as described on xUML Service Interface.

Time Triggered Transitions and Settings

The xUML service implementing the process features settings to control time triggered transitions.

SettingDescriptionAllowed Values
holdTimeSpecify a period of time the process will reside in state Done after the process has been finished.A valid time duration as specified on Time Durations.
autoRetrySpecify whether the root state machine should trigger a retry of the erroneous process step after the period of time defined in autoRetryTime.trueRetry process step where the error occurred.
falseNo auto-retry (default).
autoRetryTimeSpecify a period of time to wait before triggering an auto-retry of a process in state Error.A valid time duration as specified on Time Durations.

You can change these settings on the Bridge as described on xUML Service Settings.

Alternatively, you can use the Bridge API to do this. This is described in more detail on xUML Service Interface.
In short, send a GET to /services/xuml/{name}/settings to read all available settings, make your changes, and perform a PUT to write them.

Signal Triggered Transitions

The Persistent State tab of the Bridge lists all processes and their corresponding states.

Here, you can inspect the process and state details, and trigger available signals. In the screenshot above, you can see a process in Error state. You can trigger a retry by sending OrderApprovalRetry, or abort the process by sending OrderApprovalAbort.

Alternatively, you can use the xUML Runtime API to send those signals. This is described in more detail on xUML Service Interface.
Regarding the example above, you could send a POST request to /pstate/classes/OrderApproval/objects/00000e8477.../signals/OrderApprovalAbort if you wanted to abort the process.