With the S3 adapter, you can create, delete and list buckets of an S3 endpoint, and retrieve contents and status information of a bucket.

Creating a Bucket

Using the createBucket operation of the S3 adapter, you can create a new bucket to the S3 endpoint.

We recommend to prefix bucket name with the PAS client code (e.g. pas-test ) because multiple PAS clients may use the same S3 installation.

Listing all Available Buckets

Using the listBuckets operation of the S3 adapter, you can get a list of all buckets that are available from the S3 endpoint.

Deleting a Bucket

Using the deleteBucket operation of the S3 adapter on a bucket, you can delete a bucket from your S3 endpoint. In case the bucket is not empty, you need to set deleteRecursively to true to remove the bucket and all of its contents - otherwise you will get an exception.

Reading the Contents of a Bucket

Using the listObjects operation of the S3 adapter, you can get a list of all objects that are contained in the given bucket.

Retrieving Bucket Information

Using the bucketStatus operation of the S3 adapter, you can get some general information on the bucket including a list of its contained objects.

The returned status information has the following structure: