Process Flow Models

EPC and BPMN models belong to the group of Process Flow models whose drawing is supported by Fast Draw functionality.

The main column in which the main objects of the model are located is called Flow.

Copy/Paste Models

It is possible to Copy and Paste a table generated in Microsoft Excel within the Fast Draw option table by positioning it in the first cell of the Fast Draw table and executing the Paste functionality.

The Paste is made by checking the column names. If there is a custom object in the table cell (for example, a Role with a specific name), Fast Draw tries to check if an object definition already exists with that name. If it exists, the newly created object in that case becomes the occurrence of that definition, otherwise a new definition of the object is generated.

The model is then automatically generated on Canvas.

EPC Model

Within the Flow column, there may be a Function object or conditional operators Initially the table has 5 additional columns but by clicking on the Settings button the number of columns can be changed.

BPMN Model

Within the Flow column, there may be a Start Event, Intermediate Event, End Event, Gateway or BPMN Task Initially the table has 3 additional columns but by clicking on the Settings button the number of columns can be changed.