Fast Draw Functionalities

When opening the Fast Draw table, different functionalities are available that are available to the user depending on the type of model in question.

Functions allow extensions and changes to the table (i.e. to the model).

Functionalities Details


Add Object

Adding objects allows you to expand the model. Clicking on this button in the table creates a new row and within the Flow column in the drop-down list you get the possible options for defining the type of added object or condition. A keyboard shortcut to add an object is to click the ENTER button.

Delete Object

Deletion can be performed by positioning in the cell of the table and clicking on the button or using the shortcut SHIFT+DELETE. If an object located in the middle of the model is deleted and there are relations that leave it, the other objects of the model are automatically recalculated and updated.

Move up/down in Hierarchy

Hierarchy moving is only available in the cases of the Organizational Chart and Value-Chain model where the selected elements can be moved through different hierarchical levels.

Move up/down

Moving objects up or down changes the position of the selected object in the table and model with the object above or below it depending on the selected direction of movement.


Undo performs the functionality of undoing previously performed activity on the model. The condition is then updated in both the table and the model.


Redo allows you to undo previously executed Undo functionality. It is only available if one or more Undo functionality has been previously executed.

Create Branch

Create Branch button allows a new branch to be created from a conditional operator. In the table that is visible within the Fast Draw option, only one (default) branch is visible, regardless of how many branches a model has. Also, when opening a model that has multiple branches, it is necessary to select the branch that will be displayed in the table.

Connect to Branch

Connect to Branch provides multi-branch connections. Can only be added for conditional operators. Clicking this button gives you the option to merge with other branches that are currently available for merging.


Refresh performs a reload of the model located on the canvas into the table. In case of collaboration of more users over the same model, it is necessary to perform regular updates in order to preserve the stable state of the model. If editing is performed directly on the canvas, the table is locked until a refresh is performed again.


Settings option allows you to customize the look of the table. Clicking this button opens a drop-down list with all possible object types for that model. By checking the options in the list, a new column is added to the table so that the user can expand the initially created Fast Draw table.

Copy to Clipboard

Copy to Clipboard option copies all the data from the table to the clipboard. This enables you to paste copied data from the clipboard into Excel document.