Identifiers Overview

The Identifiers page is part of the Administration Tab that allows you to create and assign unique identifiers to objects within the selected database.  This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as keeping track of objects within the system, organizing and categorizing objects, and ensuring that objects can be uniquely identified and accessed.

Navigate to the Administration page and select the Identifiers page. Choose a database to see a list of all the identifiers that have been created for that database. Here you can add a new identifier, edit or delete an existing identifier.

Creating a New Identifier

To add new identifier, click the "Add" button.

Select the object type for which the identifier will be used. Each object type can only have one identifier.

Set the prefix value and optionally set the counter value as well.

The counter value is a number that is used to keep track of how many identifiers have been created and is set to 0 by default.

The prefix value is a string that is added to the beginning of the identifier to help distinguish it from other identifiers within the system.

The identifier value is a combination of the prefix value and counter value that have been specified.

Editing Identifier

To edit identifier, click on the identifier in the list that you want to edit and make any necessary changes to the counter or prefix values.

Click the "Submit" button to save your changes.

Identifier Business Modeler Generation

To generate identifiers for objects within the application, follow these steps:

First navigate to the Explorer tab and select the model or folder for which you want to generate identifiers.

You have option to generate identifiers for a selection of objects within a model, rather than generating identifiers for the entire model.

To generate identifiers for a selection of objects within a model, select the objects for which you want to generate identifiers and follow the process that is described in the text below.

Click the Report icon within toolbar.

In the dialog that opens, select the "Identifier Business Model Generation" option.

In the new dialog that opens select the object type. You can also specify the assignment recursion depth (the default value is 0) and choose whether to overwrite the existing data.

Click the "Ok" button to generate the identifiers.

A message will appear indicating that the identifiers have been generated successfully.

 Every object in the selection will now have an Identifier Business Modeler attribute with a unique value within Attributes panel.