Symbol Customization Overview

The Symbol customization page is part of the Administration Tab.

Symbol customization allows you to create and use new types of symbols in the selected database. This can be useful if you want to create symbols that are specific to your organization or project, or if you want to customize the appearance of symbols to better match your needs.

Select Symbol customization from the Administration tab and choose a database to see a list of all the custom symbol types that have been created for that database.  Here you can add a new symbol type, edit or delete an existing symbol type.

When you select an existing symbol type from the list, a form will open that allows you to view and edit the properties of that symbol type.

Creating a new Symbol type

Once you click the "Add" button, a form will open that allows you to customize the properties for new symbol type.

Select a name and shape for the new symbol type. 

When you change the name of a custom symbol, the change will not automatically be reflected in the image of the symbol. To update the image with the new name, click on the "Apply Name Change" icon located next to the name input field.

You can choose shape from a list of available shapes, which are organized by object type.

The shape that you select will belong to a specific object type, and the new symbol type that you create will also belong to that object type.

This means that you can use the new symbol type only on objects that belong to the same object type as the shape you selected. For example, if you create a new symbol type using a shape that belongs to the "Function" object type, you will only be able to use that new symbol type on objects that are of the "Function" object type.

Optionally, you can upload an icon for the new symbol type.

You can customize the background color, border color, line style, line width, and opacity properties as desired.

Once you have finished making your changes, you can click the "Submit" button to save them.

Using a new Symbol type

Once you have created the new symbol type, it will be available for use in your database, and you can use it just like any other symbol when adding or editing objects in your database.