Bridge and Java Heap Space

Bridge 7 The JVM automatically assigns a value to the maximum heap space, depending on the actual system resources at Bridge start. You can see the allocated and the actually used memory on the Bridge on the node instance preferences page.

Nevertheless, you can manually assign a value.

Restart the Bridge after you have changed the Java heap space to make your changes have effect.

After a Bridge update, these changes will be lost and have to be reapplied.


You need to edit the Windows registry.

32-bitHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\E2EConsole-<FQDN>\Parameters\Java
64-bitHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\E2EConsole-<FQDN>\Parameters\Java

Change the following value:

NameTypeData (Java heap in MB)
JvmMxREG_DWORD0x00000080 (128)

If this value is not yet present in the registry, you need to add it.


Edit file <path to your Bridge PROG folder>/bin/ and search for a command similar to

echo "\"$JAVA\" -classpath \"$CLASSPATH\" [...] >> $TOMCAT_SCRIPT

This command may look different in future versions of the Bridge.

Add option –Xmx to this command as follows:

echo "\"$JAVA\" -Xmx192m -classpath \"$CLASSPATH\" [...] >> $TOMCAT_SCRIPT

Value 192m in above example claims 192 MB of java heap. Add a value that reflects your needs.


When processing large amounts of data (e.g. when displaying large persistent state objects or selecting large log files), the Bridge runs out of memory and throws an error: ch.e2e.console.soap.SOAPException: Java heap space .


Generally, you should try to avoid such big amounts of data that will lead to this exception. If this is not possible, a solution is to increase the java heap space.

Restart the Bridge after you have increased the java heap space to make your changes have effect.

After a Bridge update, these changes will be lost and have to be reapplied.


You need to edit the Windows registry.

32-bitHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\E2EConsole-<FQDN>\Parameters\Java
64-bitHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\E2EConsole-<FQDN>\Parameters\Java

Change the following value:

NameTypeData (Java heap in MByte)
JvmMxREG_DWORD0x00000080 (128)


Edit file <path to your Bridge PROG folder>/bin/ and search for -Xmx (e.g. -Xmx192m). Value 192m means 192 MB of java heap. Increase the value.

Internet Explorer Throws UI Layout Warning


When wanting to access the Bridge with Internet Explorer, a warning similar to the following is displayed:

UI Layout Initialization Warning
The layout-container "DIV/#layout" has no height.


You are trying to access the Bridge with Internet Explorer in Compatibility View. This is not possible.

Change the Compatibility View Settings of Internet Explorer in such a way that the Bridge administration interface is displayed in normal mode:

  • Uncheck Display intranet sites in Compatibility View, if checked.
  • Remove localhost from the list of websites, that are added to compatibility mode.

For more information on the compatibility view refer to Introducing Compatibility View in the Microsoft blogs.

Bridge Certificate Exception


Bridge calls fail (from e.g. the Regression Test Command Line Tool or the Bridge API) and you are getting this error: Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints.


Check the certificate on your Bridge (see Managing the Bridge Certificate). MD5 certificates are deprecated as insecure. If your Bridge still uses MD algorithm (MD5withRSA), you should create a new certificate and restart the Bridge. The new certificate should have algorithm SHA256withRSA.