You can use the Filesystem adapter to read data from a file in the filesystem.

Reading Line By Line

Using the readLine operation of the Filesystem adapter, you can read a file line by line.

The path and file name of the file you want to access can be given dynamically via input parameter name, or statically via the definitions of an alias.

Reading a Complete File or Parts

Using the read operation of the Filesystem adapter, you can read a complete file in once, or specific parts of it.

The path and file name of the file you want to access can be given dynamically via input parameter name, or statically via the definitions of an alias. If you do not want to read the complete file, provide a starting position in parameter position and/or a snippet size in parameter length. You can use this parameters separately or in combination.

Closing a File

On end of the service request, all files that have been used with the Filesystem adapter are closed automatically. In some cases, it may be helpful to manually close a file (e.g. if you want to rename or push the file).
You can close a file using the close operation of the Filesystem adapter.

The path and file name of the file you want to close can be given dynamically via input parameter name, or statically via the definitions of an alias