Monitoring an Integration Service

If you want to monitor Integration services  only, filter for Source bridge.

The list of services will help you to check the details for a service at first sight:

For each service, the list shows the following information:

Colum NameDescriptionPossible Values


  • Java
  • NodeJs
  • python-service
  • xUML


VersionVersion number of the service.Version number determined by the creator of the service.

Using the Service Details

You can also open a details page for each service.

To do so, click on the service name in the list.


The information section contains the main information about the service (see table above for details):

  • Name
  • Description if available
  • Source is bridge for integration services
  • Type
  • Created/Updated
  • Version

The link in section Information gives you direct access to the service in the integration component.

If you click the link, the service opens directly in the Integration (Bridge) and the main tab of the service displayed.

The service in our example is an xUML service, so the open tab is XUML Service.


In section Actions you can find quick start icons that you can apply directly to the service:

  • Press to start the service.
  • Press to stop the service.
  • Press to restart the service.


The link in section Logs gives you direct access to the service in the integration component.

If you click the link, the service opens directly in the integration component (Bridge) of the platform and tab Logging is displayed.


The link in section Configuration gives you direct access to the service in the integration component.

If you click the link, the service opens directly in the integration component (Bridge) of the platform and tab Settings is displayed.

Starting and Stopping an Integration Service

Use the quick action icons to start, restart and stop a service:

  • Use to start a service that is currently stopped.
  • Use to stop a running service and restart it.
  • Use to stop a running service.

You can find the icons in the quick actions bar in the services' list...

... and in the Actions section on every service details page.