The UML to XML Schema mapping rules are as follows:

A consequence of this mapping is, that if a simple type can be switched from XML attribute to XML element representation by changing its UML presentation - being an UML attribute or association.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
	<Service xmlns="uri://">
		<Header UbsXmlStd="1.5" ServiceName="Util.GetInputForm" Entity="001" MsgLanguage="en" Timestamp="20031121101841802000" BusnResult="Y" MessageId="RQKEADUKNMWDLAMB" SessionId="SQKEADUKNMWDLAMB">
			<Version Major="1" Minor="0" Patch="0"/>
				<SecurityContext Index="0" UserType="1" UserId="t123797" SwSysId="XQ" AudTrailId="-" Location="CH" AuthnStrength="W" AuthnTimeStamp="" Channel="" Zone="-"/>
				<SecurityContext Index="1" UserType="2" UserId="XQ" SwSysId="XQ" AudTrailId="-" AuthnStrength="W" AuthnTimeStamp="-"/>

The definitions of more complex XML structures are defined in  XML Schema Import Rules.