set type = anyObject.staticTypeOf();
SemanticsReturns the type of any object it has had at compile-time. To get the type the object has at run-time use the typeOf. typeOf() and staticTypeOf() may return the same type, though.
SubstitutablestypeCan be any variable or object attribute having the type String
anyObjectCan be any object.

Assume you have the following class structure:

A type Customer derives from a type Person and adds an additional attribute.

Now assume further you have an object of each class (aPerson and aCustomer) and the following action script:

set aPerson = aCustomer;
set staticTypeOfaPerson = aPerson.staticTypeOf();
set typeOfaPerson = aPerson.typeOf();

typeOfaPerson will be Customer, staticTypeOfaPerson will be Person, which is the type the object had originally been created with.