Once the class is part of the SOAP interface, it is possible to test all class operations with the E2E SOAP Test Tool.

Figure: Testable Class CurrencyCalculator displayed within the E2E SOAP Test Tool

The encoding of the SOAP operations is controlled via stereotypes. If no stereotype ruling the encoding is specified, all SOAP operations modeled with the Builder use RPC Encoding as default (see  Encoding of SOAP Operations for more information on encoding styles).
The use of RPC encoding makes the test cases more readable in the SOAP Test Tool. Parameters are listed in a tree-like way on the request tab of the test case.

Figure: Request Tab of an RPC Encoded Operation

The use of RPC encoding is recommended in connection with testable classes. Using Document style encoding, user is not supported by the intuitive interface mentioned above but has to edit the request manually using plain XML. In this plain XML, only the class and attribute names are visible - parameter names are not visible anymore but only parameter types.

Figure: Request Tab of an Document Encoded Operation

Furthermore, the Bridge does not support arrays as top level elements for document style encoded operations.

The use of document style encoding with the effective service is not prohibited by that. By setting the tagged value wsdlPerService on the <<E2E Composite>> to true, user can avoid a mix-up of the interfaces of the testing service and the main service.