
When filtering the log entries of a service by date and time, you can use a date picker to select a date from/to. Click the date picker icon  next to the input fields to open the a tiny calendar to pick the dates from.

The time part will be only visible if the related log entries contain a time part in format "HH:MM:SS". In all other cases, it is not possible to select log entries by time.

Some dates within the calendar are colored to help you finding the appropriate date:

dark blue border
dark blue
The selected date.
bright blue
A weekday on which data has been logged.
light blue
A weekend day on which data has been logged.
greyA day on which no data has been logged.

Select a day, enter a time (if necessary), and click OK to apply the selected date to the search field.


Select the date/time range you want to inspect.

  • Upon opening the logging tab, from is set to (now - 10 minutes) if there are log entries existing within this range of time. If not, from will be set to the point of time the first entries are found.  
  • An empty to field displays all log entries from the from date/time until the most recent entries.
    An empty from field triggers a search backwards until the first entries are found.
  • You can remove the time part of the to field to search until the end of the day, and of the from field to search from the beginning of the day.

If the service is up and running, you can see the system process id (PID) of the service. To match the PID with the Bridge service, you can also use system commands:

SystemCommand / Output
ps -efa | grep -- --instance
...  15228  ...  /opt/e2e_bridge_prog/nodejs-8.11.4/linux-64/node index.js --instance /opt/e2e_bridge_data/nodejs_NodeService
...  15265  ...  /opt/e2e_bridge_prog/nodejs-8.11.4/linux-64/node app.js --instance /opt/e2e_bridge_data/nodejs_api-test-helloworld_43
...  15853  ...  /opt/e2e_bridge_prog/j2re-11.0.2/linux-64/bin/java -jar repository.jar --instance /opt/e2e_bridge_data/java_helloworld

Run with administration privileges:

wmic process where "caption='bridgeserver.exe' or caption='node.exe' or caption='java.exe'" get processid,caption,commandLine /format:csv| findstr /C:--instance
...,bridgeserver.exe,"C:\E2E_BRIDGE_PROG\bridgeserver-2018.12\win32-64\bridgeserver.exe"  --config "C:\var\E2E_BRIDGE_DATA\server.cfg" --instance "C:\var\E2E_BRIDGE_DATA\bridge_SoapWait",17600
...,node.exe,C:\E2E_BRIDGE_PROG\nodejs-8.11.4\win32-64\node app.js "--instance C:\var\E2E_BRIDGE_DATA\nodejs_api-test-helloworld",20144
Service Preferencesautomatic_startup

Select this option, if you want the service to startup automatically, whenever the Bridge is started.  Only users who are member of a group, to which the role ADMIN has been assigned, are allowed to change this option.

This option can be globally disabled by the Disable Automatic Service Startup option on the node instance preferences.

When updating the BRIDGE, all deployed services (xUML, Node.js, and Java services) will be kept. However, the automatic startup option will be ignored on the very first start-up after the update.

Service Preferencesautomatic_restart
Whenever the service crashes, it will restart immediately. Nevertheless, in the navigation the icon  next to the xUML service name will indicate the abnormal termination.
Service Preferencesowner
The group id of the user who has deployed the service. Only users who are member of a group, to which the role ADMIN has been assigned, are allowed to modify the owner of the service.
Service Preferencesminimum_uptime

To allow the Bridge to distinct whether the service has crashed during start-up or not, specify the minimum uptime of the Node.js service in seconds.


  • If the service crashes during the uptime period, the Bridge will assume that the service could not be started. No Automatic Restart will be applied.
  • If the service crashes after the uptime period, the Bridge will assume a crash. If option Automatic Restart is set, the Bridge will try to restart the service.

When updating the BRIDGE, all deployed services (xUML, Node.js, and Java services) will be kept. However, the automatic startup option will be ignored on the very first start-up after the update.

Also see info box below!!