As soon as the preconditions on Java side are met, you need to do the following things within your xUML service model to implement the Java callback:

  1. Import the prepared JAR file into an xUML service as described on Importing Java Classes and Properties Resource Files in the E2E Builder User's Guide.
  2. Define an <<E2EJavaPort>> implementing the offered callback interface (seeĀ Implementing the Callback further below).
  3. Add a component diagram with a <<JavaComponent>> and an <<E2EJavaService>> (see Java Callback Components further below).

Implementing the Callback

The Java callback needs to be implemented by an <<E2EJavaPort>> on Bridge side.

In the example, you can find a class HelloBridgePort with stereotype <<E2EJavaPort>> that implements the callback by a sendText operation. This implementing class needs to be linked to the <<JavaCallbackInterface>> by an Interface Relalization relation. The implementing operation sendText itself needs to have stereotype <<JavaCallbackOperation>>.

In the containment tree, you can see the port type and the operation.

Operation sendText is implemented by an activity diagram, which uses parameter string to write a log entry.

Java Callback Components

Having defined the implementation, you can already start building the component diagram using the wizard.

Figure: Java Callback Components

Java Callback Components of E2E Builder Version 5.1

Deprecated since Builder 6.0

Figure: Java Frontend Components

Figure: Java Frontend Deployment