All Documentationsportal_login_forgot_password

Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten your password, use the link Forgot Password? below the login button.
First enter your login name, then click on the Send New Password button.

The following message will be displayed:

An Email to reset your password has been sent.

The email will be sent to the address stored for your account in the user administration.

Check your mailbox.

The email sent contains a link.

This link is valid for 15 minutes.

Click on the link to reset your password.

The link takes you to a page where you can change your password yourself.

Enter your new password in the first line.

Confirm the new password by entering it again in the second line.

If the password and the password confirmation do not match, your will not be able to submit your request.

In that case, please enter your password again and make sure that your input is identical.

Your password has also to match the password criteria.

Hover over the question mark to show the valid criteria.

If you entered the new password click Submit.

After a successful change of your password you will directly be logged in. Your are redirected to the Scheer PAS Portal.

All Documentationsportal_login_invalid_login

If the user name or the password do not match or contain typing errors, an error message is displayed on the login screen.

In a first step try again to log in with your user name and password. In particular, check that the input is case sensitive.

If logging in is still not possible, please use the link Forgot Password? link to change your password.

If you still cannot log in after changing your password, please contact the support.

All Documentationsportal_login_login_page

To start working with Scheer PAS, you must first log in to your system. Go to your company's address, for example and log in.

You need valid user data consisting of a login name and a password. Enter the credentials in the corresponding fields and press the Sign in button. Alternatively, you can also confirm your input by pressing Enter.

All Documentationsportal_login_portal_home

After a successful login you are in the Scheer PAS Portal - your access to the world of Scheer PAS:

For each component of the platform you are authorized to use, you will see a corresponding tile.

Click on a tile to open the corresponding component within the Portal.

All Documentationsportal_logout

There are several ways to finish your work in Scheer PAS.

Using the logout button is the safest way to finish your work session: The current session is terminated in all tabs and the login page is displayed.
The login button is also available in the navigation bar if you have opened a tool in a separate browser tab.
Alternatively you can close the browser tab, but this will not end your Scheer PAS session and is therefore not recommended.