Libraries help you to make your BPMN process executable. They contain predefined classes, interfaces, operations and parameters you can use during modeling by simple drag & drop. You can upload your libraries in the Designer administration. The Libraries folder in the service panel gives you access to all the libraries available in the current namespace. If you create a new service in the Explorer, it automatically contains a Libraries folder in the service panel.

Go to chapter Working With Libraries for detailed information about the concept of libraries and their usage in Scheer PAS Designer.

Libraries Folder Options

If you hover over the Libraries folder, a quick action icon is displayed:

Right click a Libraries folder to open its context menu.

The context menu displays all options available for the Libraries folder:

Managing Libraries

You have three options to add libraries to a service:

  1. Use button Assets in the search box of the Service panel to open the Asset Drawer. Refer to Adding Assets for a detailed description on how to add libraries via the Asset Drawer.
  2. Hover over the Libraries folder in the service panel and click icon Manage Libraries .
  3. Open the context menu of the Libraries folder.

You can also remove libraries from the service.

Open the dialog Manage Libraries again and click the icon.

The library will switch back to the Unused Libraries column.

If one or more elements of the library are still used in the service, a corresponding warning message appears. The library is not removed in this case.

Go to page Adding Libraries for detailed information on how to update a library and how to use different library versions.