The following bugfixes and features are subject to migration. Please perform the necessary migration tasks.

API ManagementNote



Release Notes of the API Management Version 7

API Management 7.6.1 (27.02.2020)

Elasticsearch 5.6.16
Kibana 5.6.16
Keycloak 8.0.1
Keycloak-Gatekeeper 7.0.0
MySQL 5.7.28
NGINX ngnix:1.17.7-alpine
Tomcat 8.5.50

New FeatureDescription
GW-334Docker: Make keycloak realm configurable

API Management 7.6.0 (03.02.2020)

Elasticsearch 5.6.16
Kibana 5.6.16
Keycloak 8.0.1
Keycloak-Gatekeeper 7.0.0
MySQL 5.7.28
NGINX ngnix:1.17.7-alpine
Tomcat 8.5.50

If starting with a clean installation, there is nothing to do. If updating an installation of API Management, follow the steps listed on API Management Migration Notes 7.5.0 -> 7.6.0.

There is an issue with the CORS policy. If your are updating to API Management 7.6.0 and want to use this policy, please contact our support.
If installing a new API Management 7.6.0, there is nothing to do.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-62Plugins: SwaggerDefinition file is only available if the service is running at import
GW-111UI: "Copied!" Popup is displayed wrongly
GW-212REST API: Fix API-Key Security Issue
GW-232UI: API definition loads endlessly if no definition existent
GW-235UI: Element status get green when hovering on them
GW-238Elasticsearch: API Definition gets not deleted in storage while deleting API
GW-240UI: Definition URL is not cloned if you create a new API Version
GW-256UI: Broken link on API Details page
GW-277UI: Loading of API Definition crashes with some swagger files
GW-284REST API: You can not delete an empty API
GW-288REST API: Replace Host and Basepath in Swagger Definition also for Devportal Requests
GW-292Keycloak: Devportal Admin/User need the acount client role 'view-profile'API Management Migration Notes 7.5.0 -> 7.6.0
GW-321Plugins: CORS Policy is not working
New FeatureDescription
GW-109DevPortal: View for external customers
GW-220UI: Update API Definition from BRIDGE Service via a Button
GW-237UI: Import API Definition (Swagger/WSDL) via URL
GW-247DevPortal: REST API for Developer Management (Devportal)
GW-253DevPortal: Keycloak Migration/Default Settings for new DevportalAPI Management Migration Notes 7.5.0 -> 7.6.0
GW-254DevPortal: Add export/import functionality for developers (backup and migration)
GW-263DevPortal: Dev-Portal: Admin-View to manage Developers
GW-293Docker: Provide own docker image for nginx-proxy
GW-322Gateway: CachingESRegistry: Invalidate Cache is not working
GW-153Gateway: Only support one gateway configuration
GW-242Gateway: Add REST resource to get gateway endpoint from gateway
GW-244UI: Make API Definition URL not clickable in Browser
GW-260REST API: Make Swagger Definition URL available for Developer
GW-264DevPortal: Change CORS default behavior for devportal
GW-291Docker: Update docker images
GW-307DevPortal: Add Links for Developer Portal and Kibana in API Management

API Management 7.5.0 (08.10.2019)

Elasticsearch 5.6.14
MySQL 5.7.25
Keycloak(-Gatekeeper) 5.0.0
Kibana 5.6.14

API Management 7.5.0 features a new policy Caching Resources Policy. To use this policy, you have to import the following configuration file: 

Import this file as described on API Management Backup and Restore.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-186UI: Swagger file could not be stored - field has to many bytes
GW-196Docker: UI not working with keystore password containing &
GW-210Policies: Caching Policy throws NullPointerException
GW-229Policies: Caching Resources Policy doesn't cache
New FeatureDescription
GW-60Gateway: Support xUML Services with HTML UI in the catalog
GW-138Gateway: Caching PolicyCaching Resources
GW-185Elasticsearch: Save source ip of a request in elasticsearch
GW-39UI: API definition: export Swagger YAML or WSDL file
GW-43UI: Delete plan improvement
GW-151Plugins: Support more than one Bridge in API Catalog PluginInstalling API Management > Step 2: Configure the Installation Settings
GW-155Elasticsearch: Rate Limiting Policy support for cluster mode
GW-182Docker: Extend validity of generated self-signed-certificates to 3 years
GW-191Docker: Remove unneeded .p12 file while creating self-signed-certificates
GW-192Plugins: JWT Policy: Support signature verification with JWK(S)
GW-198Docker: Check if all needed files are present before startup
GW-199Plugins: Added source request header for Simple Header Policy
GW-219Docker: Shrink/Squash docker images
GW-226UI: Fix Cancel Buttons
GW-231Docker: Set fix database values for keycloak

API Management 7.4.0 (24.06.2019)

Elasticsearch 5.6.14
MySQL 5.7.25
Keycloak(-Gatekeeper): 5.0.0
Kibana 5.6.14

BugDescriptionDocumenation Links
GW-112Gateway: Swagger "execute" fails: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource
GW-123Plugins: API-Catalog: Show which url you are going to import
GW-173Docker: "$PWD" does not work on windows powershell and command prompt
GW-175Plugins: API Catalog is unable to load definition file
GW-176Gateway: Rate Limiting Policy fails
GW-178UI: IE11: Swagger UI Button Rendering
GW-193Gateway: Gateway error messages are broken
New FeatureDescription
GW-179Docker: Add kibana and keycloak-gatekeeper as proxy
GW-152Docker: Gateway should trust valid certificates
GW-162Elasticsearch: Refactor DefaultEs(ES)ClientFactory because it is duplicate code
GW-169Docker: Find a better way to create self-signed certificatesInstalling API Management
GW-171Docker: Certificate Handling
GW-172Docker: Add configuration files for distributed setups to
GW-181Gateway: LDAPS: SocketException: Connection Reset in SSL
GW-183Gateway: New default (true) for self-signed certificates flag (SELF_SIGNED)Installing API Management
GW-184Docker: Make it possible to disallow older TLS Versions Advanced API Management Settings > Security Settings

API Management 7.3.0 (2019/01/31)

Elasticsearch 5.6.14
MySQL 5.7.25
Keycloak 4.8.3.Final

If starting with a clean installation, there is nothing to do. If updating an installation of API Management, follow the steps listed on API Management Migration Notes 7.2.0 -> 7.3.0.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-88Github: cache clear issue
GW-125Support a second gateway
GW-133Policies: Rate Limiting Policy: Seems to fail under load
GW-148Docker: Login page is broken if self registration is disabled
GW-149Docker: The current docker-compose.yml does not work out of the box with Docker for Windows
GW-154WSDL file is not loaded via the gatewayTroubleshooting API Management
GW-159Docker: Endpoint is not correctly displayed in API Mgmt UI
GW-168Elasticsearch: Recreation of a plan after delete fails
New FeatureDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-121Improve docker logging and set log rotation for docker logsAPI Management Logging
GW-127Docker: Make elasticsearch host configurable in docker-compose and expose ports
ImprovementDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-10Redirect to login after session timeout
GW-100UI: Open links from Catalog to Bridge Service in a new tab
GW-120UI: Improve the configuration

API Management Installation Guide pp.

GW-129Docker: Make aliases in keystore or/and key- and truststores configurable in docker-compose or .env
GW-130Docker: Support HTTPS for Elasticsearch (multiple host setup)
GW-131Docker: Upgrade to Keycloak 4.5.0 or newer
GW-134Docker: How-to support distributed (several hosts) set-up
GW-143Docker: Switch to official oss-elasticsearch docker images without X-Packsee migration notes above this table
GW-158UI: Change documentation URL on about page
GW-164UI: Fix metrics tooltip in UI
GW-165Docker: Add project name to docker-compose

API Management 7.2.0 (2018/11/01)

If starting with a clean installation, there is nothing to do. If updating an installation of API Management, follow the steps listed on API Management Migration Notes 7.1.0 -> 7.2.0.

BugDescriptionDocumentation Link
GW-128Docker: Switch to official elasticsearch docker imagesInstalling API Management
GW-135Connection was closed on exception with runtime

API Management 7.1.0 (2018/09/19)

API Management 7.1.0 (2018/09/19)

GW-117Manager-UI: Scheer PAS corporate design

API Management 7.0.0 (2018/08/29)

GW-24Manager-UI: Swaggerui - Update to 3.17.4
GW-89Manager-UI: GW: order of the tabs in org details page changes
GW-91Manager-UI: Client/API/Plan details page misses link for tab
GW-93Filter of all APIs/Organizations
GW-94Manager-UI: SwaggerUI does not always work, random errors or wrong URL
GW-96Manager-UI: API Catalog: show the selected categories
GW-98Manager-UI: REST API: moreInfo should point to our documentation
GW-103API Import takes first only if more than one E2ERestPortType is exposed on the same port
GW-104Manager-UI: Sometimes a Browser authentication opens
GW-118https endpoints run into cert error from vertex
New FeatureDescription
GW-5API Management: Docker Images
GW-46CORS Policy
GW-85Automatically update plugins
GW-81Manager-UI: API Management UI problems
GW-82Manager-UI: UI: standardization of upper and lower case writing
GW-83Manager-UI: Change the order of the main menu: Organizations, Clients, APIs, Administration
GW-84Bridge API 2.7.1 changes
GW-90Manager-UI: Last (text) corrections - hopefully
GW-102Update apiman 1.5.0
GW-113Manager-UI: Create package