Wanting to implement a REST interface to a service, you first have to figure out the resource structure. Have a look at the structure of the rest example:

Figure: Example Class Diagram of a REST Interface

The rest interface SupportAPI has the following structure:

supportcases that accept GET, GET/ and POST.GETGet some information on the existing support cases.
GET/Get all support cases.
POSTCreate a new support case.
Underneath the supportcases, there is a single supportcase that can be accessed via its id.DELETEClose a support case.
GETGet the data of a single support case.
resolveSet the status of the support case to "resolved".
Underneath the supportcases as well, there is a customer that can be accessed via its customerID.GET/Get all support cases of that specific customer.

From the example, you can see implementations of GET, POST and DELETE methods. Of course, you can use the other available methods with the E2E Bridge, as there are PUT, PATCH, HEAD and OPTIONS.

Defining the REST Port Type

A REST Port Type is a class having stereotype <<E2ERESTPortType>>. A REST port type can be deployed just like any other E2E service. It has the following tagged values:

The REST port type can be added to the component diagram just as any other port type, e.g. SOAP port type:

Note the trace port that can be defined on the <<RESTService>> component. This is a shadow SOAP port that can be used to test the REST methods with the E2E Analyzer.


The <<E2ERESTPortType>> SupportAPI has path /support applied. The REST service can be accessed via /support instead of /Services/SupportCase/SupportAPI as depicted in the containment tree below.

It has a <<RESTError>> class RESTError applied as error class.

Defining REST Resources

A REST Resource is a class having stereotype <<RESTResource>>. This stereotype represents both: collections of resources (e.g. supportcases) and single resources (supportcase). Both are handled indifferently by the Bridge. It is the modeler who should be aware, that some methods may not make sense on collections.

REST Resources have the following tagged values:


Example REST ResourceDescription
supportcasesREST resource supportcases has no relative path applied. It will be accessible via /support/supportcases. The first part of the URL is coming from the path value of the REST port type.

REST resource supportcase has a dynamic path applied: :id. It will be accessible via /support/supportcases/<a specific id>, e.g. /support/supportcase/1234id must be a REST parameter and accepted by all REST operations related to this resource.

For more information on REST parameters refer to Defining REST Parameters.


REST resource customer has a combined static and dynamic path applied: customer/:customerID. This is necessary to avoid conflicts with supportcase, which also has dynamic elements in its path.
This resource will be accessible via /support/supportcases/customer/<a specific customer id>, e.g. /support/supportcases/customer/0815. customerID must be a REST Parameter and accepted by all REST operations related to this resource.

For more information on REST parameters refer to Defining REST Parameters.

Defining REST Methods

A REST Method is an method having the stereotype <<REST>>. REST methods must be static.

With REST methods, we distinct between verb methods and named methods.

Verb methods (unlike normal methods) can be in form of GET or GET/ - the difference is subtle but significant.

Think about the support manager example.

  • Issuing a GET on /support/supportcases/ is expected to return a list of existent support cases.
  • A GET on /support/supportcases is expected to return information on the support cases in general, e.g number of support cases, list of customers afflicted, ...

REST methods have the following tagged values:

If the method name is one of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, OPTIONS (with optional trailing '/'), it will be invoked automatically on its parent resource when an corresponding request is received.


Example REST ResourceMethodDescripton


GET and GET/verb methodBoth methods have no httpMethod applied as GET is the default method. They will be invoked, when accessed via a GET on /support/supportcases or /support/supportcases/.
getByDatenamed methodThis method has httpMethod GET applied. It will be invoked on a GET on /support/supportcases/date=<a valid date>.
POSTverb methodThis method has httpMethod POST applied. It will be invoked on a POST on /support/supportcases.
DELETEverb methodThis method has httpMethod DELETE applied. It will be invoked, when accessed via a DELETE on /support/supportcases/<a support case id>, because its parent resource has a relative path :id applied.
verb methodThis method has no httpMethod applied as GET is the default method. It will be invoked, when accessed via a GET on /support/supportcases/<a support case id>.
resolvenamed methodThis method has httpMethod PUT applied. It will be invoked, when accessed via a PUT on /support/supportcases/<a support case id>/resolve.
GET/verb methodThis method has no httpMethod applied as GET is the default method. It will be invoked, when accessed via a GET on /support/supportcases/customer/<a customer id>, because its parent resource has a relative path :customerID applied.

Defining REST Parameters

A REST Parameter is an input parameter of a <<REST>> method having the stereotype <<RESTParameter>>. This defines that this parameter will be provided via path, query, body, or header of the HTTP request. This has to be indicated on the parameter by setting tagged value in:

All path parameters are required. For all other parameters, use the multiplicity to specify whether they are required or not.


Example REST ResourceREST ParameterTagged Value "in"Remark
status, customerNamequerystatus and customerName are provided via the query string: /support/supportcases/?status=in%20progress. In this case, the E2E Runtime will automatically assign the parameters coming with the query string to the REST parameters.
supportCasebodyFor posting a new support case, the support case data supportCase is provided through the HTTP body. In this case, the E2E Runtime will automatically assign the data from the embodied JSON or XML document to the REST parameter class.
idpathREST resource supportcase has a dynamic path :id applied. For this reason, all methods of this resource must have a REST parameter with the same name id that will receive the value from the URL.

REST Errors

REST services in general return errors via the HTTP status code, so first of all, you should carefully choose the status code you are returning on a service call. Besides the HTTP status code there is no standard way of how to provide additional error information with REST service implementations. Developers can return additional information in HTTP headers or body, though.

With the E2E Bridge REST implementation, we decided to provide error information via the HTTP body by an error class or a Blob (Bridge 7.1.0).

Default Error Class

Each REST port type should have a default <<RESTError>> class assigned. The E2E Bridge will use this class as a default output in case of error.

Figure: Example REST Error Class

In case of error, this class should be

  • filled with some error information and
  • assigned to the REST HTTP response (so the error information will be returned to the caller)

The E2E Runtime will recognize attributes as error code and/or error message under the following conditions:

  • if you applied the names code and/or message to these attribute(s)
  • if you applied the stereotypes <<RESTErrorCode>> and/or <<RESTErrorMessage>> to these attribute(s)

In this case, Runtime error codes and/or messages will automatically by assigned to these attributes in case of error.

Refer to Implementing REST Operations for more information on error handling.

Specific Error Classes

You can define specific error classes for specific HTTP errors to provide more information on the error, or just return a Blob.

Figure: Specific Error Class

Use this feature carefully. Having multiple error responses will possibly make your service confusing and will make it harder to implement service calls for a potential client.

There is no difference between using an error class or a Blob. Assign the specific error class to related operations or REST resources via a <<use>> dependency having stereotype <<RESTResponseDefinition>>.

Figure: Assigning Error Class to REST Operations

On these <<use>> dependencies, you have to specify an HTTP status code on the name tag. For this status code, the default error class will be overwritten by the specific class.

You cannot overwrite HTTP response codes using REST Parameter classes (like e.g. 200).

You can apply the following name templates:

Example NameDescription
401A specific status code.The specific error class will only be used, if exactly this HTTP status code is send back.
40?, 4??Defining a status code pattern.The specific error class will only be used, if the HTTP status code that is send back matches the pattern.
???All status codes.This pattern defines a new default error class for the resource or operation. The specific error class is valid for all HTTP status codes.

The definitions above are reflected in the OpenAPI service description (see REST Response Definitions).

Response definitions using patterns (like e.g. 40? or 4??) can not be generated to the OpenAPI file, so it is not recommended to use them. A response definition having pattern ??? will be generated as default response of the operation. Refer to REST Response Definitions for more information on this.

Bridge 7.1.0 For responses of type Blob, you can additionally specify a blob body content type on the <<RESTResponseDefinition>> (tag blobBodyContentType). This information will be generated to the OpenAPI descriptor file and will set the the "Content-Type" header to this content type. Default content type is "application/octet-stream".

Refer to Implementing REST Operations for more information on error handling.

REST Interface Documentation and Tags

Documenting REST Operations

When compiling a REST service, an OpenAPI descriptor file is created that contains the service description. This file reflects the REST interface structure as implemented by you.

REST resources are generated with their class name only, instead of their fully qualified name (including the xUML package structure, like urn:Services.Classes.MyRESTResource). This implicates that their names have to be unique throughout the REST interface. The compiler will report an error, if it encounters REST resources having the same name in different packages.

The generated OpenAPI file also contains textual documentation. You can add this textual documentation to the following model elements:

Figure: Specification Dialog of a REST Method

The documentation from the model elements will be added to the description and summary tag of the service descriptor:

swagger: '2.0'
  description: |-
    ###Manage support cases.
    This REST service provides you with a simple support manager. You can create, resolve and close support cases, and get support case information.
    - Please provide a valid API token to access all methods.
    - Additionally provide valid user credentials to access DELETE or PUT.
  title: SupportAPI
  version: '1.0'
basePath: /support
     summary: Query support cases by status and customer name.
     description: Query support cases by status and customer name.
     - name: status
       in: query
       description: (_Optional_) Status the selected support cases should be in.
       type: string
       required: false
     - name: customerName
       in: query
       description: (_Optional_) Name of the customer who's support cases should be selected.
       type: string
       required: false
         description: A list of support cases that correspond to the query.
           title: supportCases
           $ref: '#/definitions/urn:Services.SupportCase.Classes.ListOfSupportCases'
         description: "400 - Logical error, Bad Request / \n404 - Technical error,\
           \ Not Found / \n500 - Technical error / \n\_\n(See message string for\
           \ error details.)\n"
           $ref: '#/definitions/urn:Services.SupportCase.Classes.RESTError'

While writing the documentation, you can use plain text or Git flavored markdown. Do not use HTML mode in MagicDraw while adding documentation.

Tools supporting OpenAPI descriptor files (yaml format) can make the documentation visible:

Tagging REST Operations

You can use <<RESTOperationTag>> to group your operations. The E2E REST Test Tool will then display the operations in groups by tag. Operations without a tag assigned will appear under group "default".

Figure: REST Operation Groups

At the very bottom you can also find the base URL and the API version.

To tag a REST operation, create a new <<RESTOperationTag>> and draw a class diagram to connect it to operations via a <<use>> dependency.

Figure: Tagging REST Operations

Artifact <<RESTOperationTag>> has the following tagged values:

For a better overview, we recommend to put all tag definitions in a separate package and to create a separate class diagram for each tag:

REST Response Definitions

All (default and specific) error classes are reflected in the OpenAPI file of the service as responses.

swagger: '2.0'
      description: Close a specific support case.
      - in: path
        name: id
        required: true
        type: string
          description: ''
            $ref: '#/definitions/ResolveMessage'
          description: |-
            - 401 - Unauthorized
            - 404 - Technical error, Not Found
            (See message string and additionalInfo for error details.)
            $ref: '#/definitions/RESTErrorPlus'
          description: |-
            - 400 - Logical error, Bad Request
            - 404 - Technical error, Not Found
            - 500 - Technical error
            (See message string for error details.)
            $ref: '#/definitions/RESTError'
      summary: Close a specific support case.
      - Transition Support Case

In the example OpenAPI file above you can find three responses for operation delete. The responses are sorted by HTTP status code.

Status CodeDescriptionResponse Class
200normal responseResolveMessage (REST Parameter)
401specific error response for authorization errorsRESTErrorPlus
defaultdefault error responseRESTError

The E2E OpenAPI Importer will import these definitions to the calling service as defined in the OpenAPI file.

  • Response definitions using patterns (like e.g. 40? or 4??) can not be generated to the OpenAPI file, so it is not recommended to use them. A response definition having pattern ??? will be generated as default response of the operation.
  • You cannot overwrite responses using REST Parameter classes (like 200 in the example above).