The Memory Adapter allows to store an entire hash map to memory. The hash map object as a whole can be managed with the Memory adapter the same way as any other objects. Additionally, the Memory adapter allows to add, change, retrieve, and remove elements from a stored hash map. Therefore, the Memory adapter provides an additional parameter hashMapKey. If this parameter is provided, the Memory adapter does not access the entire map, but tries to access the specified element of the map.

This can significantly increase the performance, if you e.g. want to cache some data you frequently need to lookup, in comparison to caching this data in a database.

Storing a Map to Memory

To store a map to memory, provide the Memory adapter with the following:

Figure: Storing a Complete Hash Map to memory

The figure above illustrates how to store map customerMap (containing some customer data) to memory. The map is stored using key "customerMap".
If a map with the given key already exists in memory, it will be overwritten by the Memory Adapter.

Retrieving Data from the Map

To retrieve an element from a map that has been stored to memory, provide the Memory adapter with the following:

Figure: Retrieving a Map Element from Memory

A hash map containing some customer data has been stored to memory using the key "customerMap" (see Storing a Map to memory further above). Individual map elements from this map can be accessed via their key customerID.
The Memory adapter returns a single map element containing the customer data.

If there is no map element with the given key, the Memory adapter throws an error.

Related Error Codes

Find a list of all persistent state error codes on System Errors of the Memory Adapter.

Error CodeDescription
MEMASDM/9The message is not stored here.

Adding or Changing Data in the Map

To add a new element to the map or to change map data in memory, provide the Memory adapter with the following:

Figure: Adding or Changing a Map Element of a Map in Memory

A hash map containing some customer data has been stored to memory using the key "customerMap" (see Storing a Map to Memory further above). Individual map elements from this map can be accessed via their key customerID.
The value of the new map element resp. the new value of the map element to be changed is provided in an object of type Customer via parameter value of type Any.

If there is no map element with the given key, the Memory adapter will add this element to the map.
If the map element with the given key is already existing in the map, it will be updated to the provided value.

Removing an Element from the Map

To remove an element from a map that has been stored to memory, provide the Memory adapter with the following:

Figure: Removing a Map Element from a Map in Memory

A has map containing some customer data has been stored to memory using the key "customerMap" (see Storing a Map to Memory further above). Individual map elements from this map can be accessed via their key customerID.
If there is no map element with the given key, the Memory adapter throws an error.

Related Error Codes

Find a list of all persistent state error codes on System Errors of the Memory Adapter.

Error CodeDescription
MEMASDM/12The message is not stored here.

Removing the Whole Map

To remove the whole map from memory, provide the Memory adapter with the following:

Figure: Removing the Whole Map from Memory

The example above shows how the map that has been stored under key "customerMap" can be removed.
If there is no map with the given key, the Memory adapter throws an error(MEMASDM/12, see also the list of system errors).

Clearing the Memory