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Builder 7 The usage of file system access is represented by two aliases: a directory alias (having stereotype <<DirectoryAlias>>) and a file alias (having stereotype <<FileAlias>>). They are connected to the service composite by a dependency.

Figure: File System Component Diagram

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The alias FileAlias represents a certain file, the alias DirectoryAlias represents a certain directory on the file system. On both you can use relative paths - they will be relative to the service directory on the E2E Bridge, then.

The directory alias can define a base directory and a default file encoding:

  • The default file encoding can be overridden per adapter call using a dynamic encoding parameter, e.g. on File System Adapter calls reading lines, or with the Flat File Adapter.
  • Regarding the base directory, the file name parameter will be treated as a path relative to this directory on the File System Adapter call. Jumping out of the base directory by ../../aDirectory tricks is impossible. The base directory can be changed in the service settings on the E2E Bridge, however.

See also Directory Alias and Dynamic File Access for an example of using the directory alias with dynamic file access.

Using a file resource, neither file encoding nor file path can be overridden.

Tagged Values




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Instead of a file, you can select a resource from the list of imported resources. The File System Adapter will then use the resource instead of file.
The resource can be replaced changing the resource path in the File System Adapter settings of the xUML service.


If resource is specified neither file nor encoding can be overridden dynamically.

See Importing File Resources for more information on importing resources and xUML Service Settings for more information on changing the settings of a service.

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File System Components of


Builder Version 6

Deprecated since Builder 7

titleClick here to read the documentation of the component diagram used in


Builder releases before 7 ...

The use of file system access is represented by the two aliases DirectoryAlias and FileAlias. Both have the stereotype <<FileSystemAlias>>. They are connected to the service composite by a dependency.

Figure: File System Component Diagram

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The alias FileAlias represents a certain file. It has three tagged values:

  • fileName: The file name of the file you want to access.

  • directory: The path to the file.

  • charset: The charset definition of the file.

The alias DirectoryAlias represents a certain directory on the file system. Hence, only the tagged value directory has to be defined.

Tagged Values of the <<FileSystemAlias>>

In general, a <<FileSystemAlias>> can have four tagged values:

Tagged ValueDescriptionAllowed Values
fileNameSpecify the name of the file you want to access. Leave this tagged value empty, if you want to access a directory.Example:myFile.txt
directorySpecify the path to the file or directory.Example:.\tmp\testDirectory

Specify the charset of the file. Refer to Charset Definitions for possible values.

If the alias refers to a directory, specifying charset is superfluous.




Instead of a fileName, you can select a resource from the list of imported resources. The File System Adapter will then use the resource instead of directory/fileName.
The resource can be replaced changing the resource path in the File System Adapter settings of the xUML service.

See Importing File Resources for more information on importing resources and xUML Service Settings for more information on changing the settings of a service.

File System Components of E2E Builder Version 5.1

Deprecated since Builder 6


titleClick here to read the documentation of the component diagram used in E2E Builder releases before 6 ...

The component FileService represents the backend service component and has the stereotype <<FileSystemService>>. It has the two residents, the interfaces File and Directory, which have both the stereotype <<FileSystem>>.

Figure: File System Component Diagram

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In the component diagram above the FileServiceArtifact is a manifestation of a file system service. It contains two interface artifacts, aFileArtifact and aDirectoryArtifact. The first is a manifestation of the interface aFile, the latter manifests the interface aDirectory.

The artifact aFileArtifact represents a certain file. It has three tagged values:

  • fileName: The file name of the file you want to access. Leave this tagged value empty, if you want to access a directory.
  • path: The path to the resource (file or directory).
  • charset: define the charset definition of the Flat File (for possible values see Charset Definitions).

The artifact aDirectoryArtifact represents a certain directory on the file system. Hence, only the tagged value path has to be defined.

In the deployment diagram, you actually deploy components defined in the component diagram. Deployment means instantiating components and annotating all configuration information to run these components on their target systems.

The deployment diagram below shows only one node, the E2E Bridge Server node. As the file system backend service (FileService) runs on the same node as the Bridge Service is deployed to, there is no additional backend node. Therefore, the Bridge Server has assigned two stereotypes: <<E2EBridgeServerInstance>> and <<BackendServerInstance>>, because this node acts as E2E Server and backend server at the same time.

Figure: File System Deployment Diagram
