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Comment: PASDOC-302: Documentation of <<URLAlias>> is wrong



With the URL adapter, it is possible to get and put messages via file transfer protocols: FTP, FTPS and SFTP. These protocols often get confused and mixed up due to the similarity in function and names. Please refer to Using the URL Adapter with the FTP Protocol and Related Protocols for a distinction and more information on the usage with the URL adapter.



to listed protocol onlyto listed method only

This parameter contains the URL that will be accessed by the adapter. The URL contains protocol, port and path.
post, put, writeUse this parameter to supply the content to be used by the listed methods.
headerParametersArray of HeaderFieldinhttp, https
Use this parameter to supply additional header information for the URL adapter call in the form of name and value pairs.

This parameter provides the method of the URL adapter call.
authenticationAuthenticationinldap, ftp, ftps, sftp, http, https
This parameter provides an object of type Authentication containing the user and the password.
proxyProxyinldap, ftp, ftps, sftp, http, https
Use this parameter to supply necessary proxy information.
followRedirectsIntegerinhttp, https
Specify here the maximum number of redirects to follow.
sslSSLinhttps, ftps
Use this parameter to supply SSL information.
commandsArray of Stringinftp, ftps

Use this parameter to specify ftp commands. All commands are executed after executing the ftp method. For a list of available ftp commands see RFC 959.

optionsArray of Optioninldap, ftp, ftps, sftp, http, https
Use this parameter to specify cURL options for the URL adapter call.
get, post, put, list, readContains the response content in relation to the used method.
streamSourceStringinftp, ftps, sftp, http, httpspost, putIf you want to use file streaming with streaming method fromFile, supply the streaming source here. Then, content is not used.
streamTargetStringinftp, ftps, sftp, http, httpsget, post, put, listIf you want to use file streaming with streaming method toFile, supply the streaming target here. Then, response is not used.
ignoreHTTPErrorsBooleaninhttp, https
  • Added in Builder

If true, HTTP error codes > 300 will not cause an exception in the model. This implies, that the response body is accessible even if HTTP errors occur. The default value is false.

httpStatusIntegerouthttp, https
Contains the HTTP status of the response.
httpHeaderParameterArray of HeaderFieldouthttp, https
Contains the HTTP header of the response.
