Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space WBRIDGE and version 7.2.0

System errors are "regular" errors, thrown by the E2E xUML Runtime, that can be caught by the modeler (see Catching Errors). A system error, that has not been caught, will be written to the bridgeserver log.

Overview of the Error Domains

Click an error domain to go to the list of errors of that domain.
Click a context to go to the documentation of the selected topic.

Domain BESM

DomainError CodeDescription
BESM1Function did not return data.
BESM2One of the parameters of a vararg function is null.
BESM3No executable component found.
BESM4Accessor returned simple type instead of complex type.
BESM5Accessor returned simple type instead of complex type.
BESM6Type of retrieved item does not match required type.
BESM7Neither m_Execute nor execute are defined for function.
BESM9Access to component denied (role based access control).
BESM10License violation: Too many concurrent requests.
BESM11Database: The given statement was not prepared.
BESM12Database: Generic SQL API error.
BESM13Can not connect to database.
BESM14The virtual operation is not supported by the given object instance.
BESM15The given object instance is missing class information.
BESM16The given object is not a class.
BESM23The mapping guard does not return a boolean value.
BESM24Executing SQL statement.
BESM25Executing SQL statement.
BESM26Executing commit or rollback.
BESM27Can not find function
BESM28Accessor returned simple type instead of complex type.

Domain CRONSM (Scheduler Service)

Refer to Scheduler Service for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
CRONSM1The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
CRONSM2Request name is missing.
CRONSM3Request name is empty.

Domain CRYPTSM (Crypto Adapter)

Refer to Crypto Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
CRYPTSM1Key is not given for createsignature.
CRYPTSM2Data is not given for createsignature.
CRYPTSM3Generating RSA key failed.
CRYPTSM4Writing private RSA key failed.
CRYPTSM5Writing public RSA key failed.
CRYPTSM6Value from key item is missing.
CRYPTSM7Private key is damaged.
CRYPTSM8Value from data item is missing.
CRYPTSM9Creating signature failed.
CRYPTSM10Key is not given for verifysignature.
CRYPTSM11Data is not given for verifysignature.
CRYPTSM12Signature is not given for verifysignature.
CRYPTSM13Value from key item is missing.
CRYPTSM14Private key is damaged.
CRYPTSM15Value from data item is missing.
CRYPTSM16Value from signature item is missing.
CRYPTSM17Public key is damaged.
CRYPTSM18Verifying signature failed.
CRYPTSM19Data is missing.
CRYPTSM20Value from data item is missing.

Domain FFADSM (Flat File Adapter)

Refer to Flat File Adapter for more information on the context.



Error Code


FFADSM1The flat file parser is not correctly set up.
FFADSM2Flat parser is missing a data source (either file or blob).
FFADSM3Flat parser is missing a dataitem descriptor.
FFADSM4Can't fetch record for flat file parsing.
FFADSM5Failed to initalize flat file parser from file.
FFADSM6Failed to initalize flat file parser from blob.
FFADSM7Unexepected error while parsing flat file.
FFADSM8Parser error converting attribute to given type.
FFADSM9Error fetching next flat file record.
FFADSM10Invalid regular expression in record definition.
FFADSM11Parser missing dataitem descriptor for record.
FFADSM12Error while matching regular expression.
FFADSM13Invalid condition in record definition.
FFADSM14Parser missing attribute descriptor for record.
FFADSM15Missing data to pass through Composer.
FFADSM16Flat file composer is missing a dataitem descriptor.
FFADSM17Unexepected error while composing flat file.
FFADSM18Unexepected item type while composing flat file record.
FFADSM19Composer missing dataitem descriptor for record.
FFADSM20Composer missing attribute descriptor for record.
FFADSM21Composer error converting attribute to given type.
FFADSM22Error fetching next flat file record.
FFADSM23Composer error converting complex attribute.
FFADSM24Composer failed to build record.
FFADSM25Composer failed to write attribute.
FFADSM26Counter macro is missing counter ID.
FFADSM27Counter macro uses invalid counter ID.
FFADSM28Counter macro GetCounter only valid on Integer attributes.
FFADSM29Counter macro VerifyCounter detected an error.
FFADSM30Counter macro VerifyCounter only valid on Integer attributes.
FFADSM31Counter macro IncreaseCounter only allowed on custom counters.
FFADSM32Counter macro unknown.
FFADSM33Failed to parse flat file record using a regular expression.
FFADSM34Parsing of flat file aborted before end of file.

Domain FLOWSM (Flows)

Refer to Basic Behavioral Modeling for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
FLOWSM1Errors have to be handled before executing steps/conditions.
FLOWSM2A called condition in a generic flow did not return a value.
FLOWSM3A called condition in a generic flow did not return boolean.
FLOWSM4Iteration without items to iterate over.
FLOWSM5Source for the iteration is not a complex item.
FLOWSM6Function did not return an error domain object.
FLOWSM7The returned error domain object is not of string type.
FLOWSM8Function did not return an error code object.
FLOWSM9The returned error code object is not of string type.
FLOWSM10Function did not return an error domain object.
FLOWSM11The returned error domain object is not of string type.
FLOWSM12Function did not return an error code object.
FLOWSM13The returned error code object is not of string type.
FLOWSM14Function did not return an error description object.
FLOWSM15The returned error description object is not of string type.
FLOWSM16It is not possible to store an iteration output to an input object of the same iteration. Correct the service model.

Domain FSADSM (File System Adapter)

Refer to File System Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
FSADSM1Failed opening file.
FSADSM2No enough memory.
FSADSM3Position is invalid.
FSADSM4Failed reading file.
FSADSM5Request is unknown in the Filesystem repository.
FSADSM6Failed stating file.
FSADSM7The content is smaller than the write size.
FSADSM8Failed opening file.
FSADSM9Position is invalid.
FSADSM10Failed writing file.
FSADSM11Request is unknown in the Filesystem repository.
FSADSM12Status request is unknown in the Filesystem repository.
FSADSM13Failed stating file.
FSADSM14Failed renaming entry.
FSADSM15Remove request is unknown in the Filesystem repository.
FSADSM16Failed creating directory.
FSADSM17CreateDirectory request is unknown in the Filesystem repository.
FSADSM18Failed opening directory.
FSADSM19ReadDirectory request is unknown in the Filesystem repository.
FSADSM20Failed reading the directory.
FSADSM21Data missing for write request.
FSADSM22Failed creating file.
FSADSM23Failed stating entry for removal.
FSADSM24Request is unknown in the Filesystem repository.
FSADSM25Failed opening file.
FSADSM26Failed renaming entry.
FSADSM27Failed stating entry for renaming
FSADSM28Rename request is unknown in the Filesystem repository.
FSADSM29File is not open.
FSADSM30Failed closing file.
FSADSM31Failed getting exact file size. The real size may differ.
FSADSM32Name is empty.
FSADSM32Path '%s' is outside allowed base directory '%s'.

Domain FUASM (Arithmetic Operations)

Refer to Arithmetic Operations for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
FUASM1At least 2 parameters are required for operations on floats
FUASM2Floating point functions can only operate on float values
FUASM3A division by zero occured during a float divide
FUASM4At least 2 parameters are reqired for operations on ingegers
FUASM5Integer operations can only operate on integer values
FUASM6A division by zero occured during an integer divide

Domain FUBLOBSM (Blob Operations)

Refer to Blob Operations for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
FUBLOBSM1Blob size is too large for universe.
FUBLOBSM2Can't concat blob to non-blob

Domain FUBSM (Boolean Operations)

Refer to Boolean Operations for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
FUBSM1Boolean function can only operate on boolean values
FUBSM2Boolean function can only operate on boolean values
FUBSM3Left and right argument of the comparison differ in type
FUBSM4Complex or unknown types can not be compared
FUBSM5The operator is not valid for this data type
FUBSM6Cannot compile the regular expression in like/not like expression.

Domain FUCSM (Create)

DomainError CodeDescription
FUCSM1Function getServiceContext( "SystemEnvironment") is not supported at the moment. You can call getServiceContextValue() to get a value for one specific environment variable.

Domain FUDSM (DateTime Operations)

Refer to DateTime Operations for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
FUDSM1Accessor for function failed.
FUDSM2Item to convert is wrong type.
FUDSM3Accessor for function failed.
FUDSM4Item to convert is wrong type.
FUDSM5Accessor for function failed.
FUDSM6Item to convert is wrong type.
FUDSM7Accessor for function failed.
FUDSM8Item to convert is wrong type.
FUDSM9Parsing of "..." failed, it does not match format expression "...".
FUDSM10Time ticks must be greater or equal zero.

Domain FUMMAPSM (Map)

Refer to Map Operations for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
FUMMAPSM1No valid map key value
FUMMAPSM2No valid map item
FUMMAPSM3buildMap: No array to build a map from
FUMMAPSM4buildMap: No valid key name string
FUMMAPSM5buildMap: Did expect an non-empty array of records
FUMMAPSM6buildMap: Cannot find the key attribute in the array element

Domain FUMATHSM (Mathematics)

DomainError CodeDescription
FUMATHSM1Generation of random number failed.

Domain FUMSM (Miscellanous)

DomainError CodeDescription
 FUMSM1the count function can only work on complex types
 FUMSM2the filter function can only work on complex types
 FUMSM3the filter function can only work with boolean arguments
 FUMSM4the source structure for getAt is not of complex type
 FUMSM5the accessor to the complex structure is not a number
 FUMSM6the accessor to the complex number is < 0 or > count
 FUMSM7the map function can only work on complex types
 FUMSM8the map function returned NULL
 FUMSM9the reduce function can only work on complex types
 FUMSM10the first item of a reduce function is NULLFUMSM
 FUMSM11the reduce function returned NULLFUMSM
 FUMSM12the current item of a reduce function is NULL
 FUMSM13The target structure for setAt is not of complex type.
 FUMSM14Index accessor of setAt function is negative.
 FUMSM15the sort function can only work on complex types
 FUMSM16the clone function can only work on complex types
 FUMSM17could not find the called component
 FUMSM18Invalid repository for the generic function: no called-component
 FUMSM19Only simple types can be cast by castValue().
 FUMSM20castValue(): The dynamic type is String but the static type does not derive from String.
 FUMSM21castValue(): Constraint violations
 FUMSM22castValue(): The dynamic type is Integer but the static type does not derive from Integer.
 FUMSM23castValue(): Constraint violations
 FUMSM24castValue(): The dynamic type is Float but the static type does not derive from Float.
 FUMSM25castValue(): Constraint violations
 FUMSM26Can't execute join on simple type
 FUMSM27All elements of the complex type must be strings. Element is not String.
 FUMSM28All elements of the complex type must be strings. Element is NULL.
 FUMSM29castValue(): The dynamic type is Boolean but the static type does not derive from Boolean.

Domain FUSSM (String Operations)

Refer to String Operations for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
FUSSM1at least 2 parameters are required for concat functions
FUSSM2concat function can only be applied to strings
FUSSM3not in use
FUSSM4chars to be found has not been found in accessed string
FUSSM5string shorter than start position of substring
FUSSM6Regular separator expression used to split a string is not valid.
FUSSM7Regular separator expression used to split a string is not valid.
FUSSM8Cannot compile the regular expression '%s' in split(). Error on line %d, column %d.
FUSSM9Cannot construct split matcher finding occurrences of '%s' in '%s'.
FUSSM10Split error.
FUSSM11Cannot execute replace operations on empty strings.
FUSSM12Cannot construct replace matcher finding occurrences of '%s' in '%s'.
FUSSM13Cannot execute replace operations using an empty replace string.
FUSSM14Cannot compile the regular expression '%s' in replace(). Error on line %d, column %d.
FUSSM15Cannot construct replace matcher finding occurrences of '%s' in '%s'.
FUSSM16Cannot replace all occurences of '%s' in string '%s' by '%s'.
FUSSM17Cannot execute findPattern operations on undefined or empty strings.
FUSSM18Cannot execute findPattern operations using an undefined or empty pattern string.
FUSSM19Cannot compile the regular expression '%s' in findPattern(). Error on line %d, column %d.
FUSSM20Cannot construct findPattern matcher finding occurrences of '%s' in '%s'.
FUSSM21Cannot find any occurrences of '%s' in '%s'.
FUSSM22Error occurred while matching the first occurrences of '%s' in string '%s'.
FUSSM23Cannot execute findPatterns operations on undefined or empty strings.
FUSSM24Cannot execute findPatterns operations using an undefined or empty pattern string.
FUSSM25Cannot compile the regular expression '%s' in findPatterns(). Error on line %d, column %d.
FUSSM26Cannot construct findPatterns matcher finding occurrences of '%s' in '%s'.
FUSSM27Error occurred while matching the %d-th occurrences of '%s' in string '%s'.
FUSSM28Error converting float to string.
FUSSM29Error converting integer to string.
FUSSM30Error converting string to float.
FUSSM31Error converting string to integer.
FUSSM32Cannot execute capture operations on empty strings.
FUSSM33Cannot execute capture operations using an undefined or empty pattern string.
FUSSM34Cannot compile the regular expression '%s' in capture(). Error on line %d, column %d.
FUSSM35Cannot construct capture matcher finding occurrences of '%s' in '%s'.
FUSSM36Error occurred while capturing the %d-th occurrences of '%s' in string '%s'.
FUSSM37Cannot match on undefined strings.
FUSSM38Cannot match using an undefined pattern string.
FUSSM39Cannot compile the regular expression '%s' in function matches.
FUSSM40Error during matching '%s' against pattern '%s'.

Domain FUTSM (Type Conversion Operations)

Refer to Overview of All Type Conversion Operations for more information on the context.


Runtime 2017.6

orBlob size is too large for universe.
DomainError CodeDescription
FUTSM1type converter functions can not work on complex types
FUTSM2Binary integer is too big ( > 8 byte)


Illegal conversion


Length of HEX string is an odd number
titleRuntime 2017.5 or older...

With Runtime 2017.6, the error codes have been tidied up and reduced. This table lists the error codes used in Runtimes before 2017.6.

DomainError CodeDescriptionRuntime 2017.6 New Error Code
FUTSM1type converter functions can not work on complex typesunchanged
FUTSM2Binary integer is too big ( > 8 byte)


illegal convert operation: boolean -> blob
Invalid date size.


illegal convert operation: dateTime -
> blob
> blobFUTSM-3
FUTSM4Numeric integer is too big ( > 8 byte)


illegal convert operation: float -> blob
The length of the
FUTSM5Length of HEX string is an odd number
FUTSM6illegal convert operation: integer -> blobFUTSM-3
FUTSM7illegal convert operation: blob -> booleanFUTSM-3
FUTSM8illegal convert operation: dateTime -> booleanFUTSM-3
FUTSM9illegal convert operation: blob -> dateTimeFUTSM-3
FUTSM10illegal convert operation: boolean -> dateTimeFUTSM-3
FUTSM11illegal convert operation: float -> dateTimeFUTSM-3
FUTSM12illegal convert operation: integer -> dateTimeFUTSM-3
FUTSM13illegal convert operation: blob -> floatFUTSM-3
FUTSM14illegal convert operation: boolean -> floatFUTSM-3
FUTSM15illegal convert operation: dateTime -> floatFUTSM-3
FUTSM16illegal convert operation: integer -> floatFUTSM-3
FUTSM17illegal convert operation: blob -> integerFUTSM-3
FUTSM18illegal convert operation: dateTime -> integerFUTSM-3
FUTSM19illegal convert operation: string -> booleanFUTSM-3
FUTSM20illegal convert operation: string -> integerFUTSM-3
FUTSM21illegal convert operation: string -> floatFUTSM-3
FUTSM22illegal convert operation: string -> dateTimeFUTSM-3
FUTSM23illegal convert operation: string -> blobFUTSM-3

Domain HTTPADSM (HTTP Service)

Refer to HTTP Service for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
HTTPADSM1The URL connector failed to setup correctly.
HTTPADSM2The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
HTTPADSM3Unknown request.
HTTPADSM4Unknown input message.
HTTPADSM5Unknown output message.
HTTPADSM7The "other side" responded with a HTTP error.
HTTPADSM8The returned HTTP message has neither a request nor a fault element.
HTTPADSM10Some error in the URL connector subsystem.

Domain JAVAADSM (Java Adapter)

Refer to Java Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
JAVAADSM1The gateway is not initialized for initialize.
JAVAADSM2The gateway is not initialized for execute.
JAVAADSM3Native Java exception occurred.
JAVAADSM4Java constructor for class for input failed.
JAVAADSM5Java constructor for class for output failed.
JAVAADSM6The gateway is not initialized for uninitialize.
JAVAADSM7The handle is not initialized for this class.
JAVAADSM8Shutdown pending, now more callbacks allowed.
JAVAADSM 9Parameter is not valid.
JAVAADSM 10The gateway is not initialized for start.

Domain JSONSM (JSON Parser)

Refer to jsonToClass and classToJson for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
JSONSM1The input object is missing.
JSONSM2Input object must be an object of a class but it is of type.
JSONSM3JSONToClass(): The JSON input string is missing.
JSONSM4JSONToClass(): The JSON input must be of type string but it is of type.
JSONSM5JSONToClass(): Parser error.
JSONSM6Options object must be an object of a class.

Domain LOGADSM (Log Adapter)

Refer to Log Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
LOGADSM1Log level missing.
LOGADSM2Log domain missing.
LOGADSM3Log code missing.
LOGADSM4Log description missing.
LOGADSM5Transaction domain missing.
LOGADSM6Transaction description missing.
LOGADSM7Transaction state missing.

Domain MEMADSM (Memory Adapter)

Refer to Memory Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
MEMADSM1The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
MEMADSM2Message is missing.
MEMADSM3The key is missing.
MEMADSM4The key is empty.
MEMADSM5Unknown operation.
MEMADSM6Unknown request.
MEMADSM7The key is missing.
MEMADSM8The key is empty.
MEMADSM9The message is not stored here.
MEMADSM10The key is missing.
MEMADSM11The key is empty.
MEMADSM12The message is not stored here.
MEMADSM13The map key is empty.
MEMADSM14The map key is empty.
MEMADSM15The map key is empty.
MEMADSM16The map key is empty.

Domain MIMEADSM (Mime Adapter)

Refer to MIME Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
MIMEADSM1Wrong item type for content.
MIMEADSM2Wrong item type for multipart content.
MIMEADSM3Missing input to be decoded
MIMEADSM4Missing headers to control decoding
MIMEADSM5Missing content to decode
MIMEADSM6Can't find declared multipart boundary

Domain POP3ADSM (POP3 Adapter)

Refer to POP3 Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
POP3ADSM1The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
POP3ADSM2Failed to open POP3 session
POP3ADSM3POP3 subsystem not initalized.
POP3ADSM4Connection unknown to manager.
POP3ADSM10Port is missing.
POP3ADSM17DomainName is empty.
POP3ADSM20Content is empty.
POP3ADSM21Content does not match pattern.
POP3ADSM23Name is empty from header parameter.
POP3ADSM24Content is missing from header parameter.
POP3ADSM25Content is empty from header parameter.
POP3ADSM26Content is not allowed for header parameter.
POP3ADSM28Value is empty from recipient.

Domain PSADSM (Persistent State Adapter)

Refer to Handling Persistent State Objects With the Persistent State Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
PSADSM1The persistent state is not correctly set up.
PSADSM2Descriptor defining class of persisted object is missing.
PSADSM3Primary key of object to be persistet can't be calculated due to missing fields.
PSADSM4A persistent object with the same primary key is already locked.
PSADSM5A persistent object with the same primary key already exists.
PSADSM6The persistent state engine did not start.
PSADSM7The provided persistent state handle is not owned by this request.
PSADSM8Persistent state handle object is missing as parameter.
PSADSM9Persistent state handle object does not contain a key (OBJECT_ID).
PSADSM10State diagram for class has no start transition.
PSADSM11Start transition in state diagram for class has not target state.
PSADSM12Persisted data of object not found.
PSADSM13Event does not reference valid state and/or class metadata.
PSADSM14Fatal error while evaluating guard.
PSADSM15Fatal error while processing transition.
PSADSM16Fatal error while processing choice.
PSADSM17Fatal error while executing exit action.
PSADSM18Fatal error while executing transition action.
PSADSM19Fatal error while executing entry action.
PSADSM20Fatal error while executing getHandle.
PSADSM21Fatal error while executing createObject.
PSADSM22Persistent state handle object does not contain a valid class name (CLASSIFIER).
PSADSM23Persistent state handle can't be related to a persistent state object.
PSADSM24Can't access all parameters required for persistent state search query.
PSADSM25Only simple data types are allowed for persistent state search queries.
PSADSM26SendSignalAction and AcceptSignalEvent require a conversation ID.
PSADSM27Timeout expired while waiting in AcceptSignalEvent.
PSADSM28Server shutdown initated while waiting in AcceptSignalEvent.
PSADSM29Fatal error while executing doActivity error handler.
PSADSM30Found no completion transition from named connection point.
PSADSM31Persistent data of object not found.
PSADSM32Next state could not be reached because of persistent state database problems. All actions succeeded. State object will stay in old state. Event is deleted so the transition will not be executed again.
PSADSM33Next state could not be reached because of persistent state database problems. All actions succeeded. State object will stay in old state. Deletion of event failed so the transition will be executed again.
PSADSM34An event does reference a class not existing in the repository anymore. This orphaned persistent state class can be deleted in the Console. If not, this error will occur every 2 seconds.
PSADSM35A persistent object with the same primary key already exists.
PSADSM36No signal has been sent
PSADSM37The object is stalled in state 'xxx'. You can manually retry the transition
PSADSM38Persistent State object contains no data.

Domain RESTADSM (REST Adapter)

Refer to REST Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
RESTADSM1Error occurred during REST request.
RESTADSM2Unsupported content type for C-T or Accept header
RESTADSM3HTTP Error occured
RESTADSM4Received unexpected (not handled in a model) HTTP status
RESTADSM5Failed to parse response body.

Domain SAPADSM (SAP Adapter)

Refer to SAP Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
SAPADSM1The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
SAPADSM2Unknown request.
SAPADSM3Failed to open SAP communication.
SAPADSM4SAP exception occurred during request.
SAPADSM5SAP system exception occurred during request.
SAPADSM6SAP error occurred during request.
SAPADSM7Content is missing.
SAPADSM8Component is not properly set up.
SAPADSM9Header is missing.
SAPADSM10Content is missing.
SAPADSM11Failed parsing message.
SAPADSM12IDoc header is missing from message.
SAPADSM13Component is not properly set up.
SAPADSM14Content is missing.
SAPADSM15Failed parsing message.
SAPADSM16Component is not properly set up.
SAPADSM17Component is not properly set up.
SAPADSM18Content is missing.
SAPADSM19Failed parsing message.
SAPADSM20Content is missing.
SAPADSM21Failed parsing message.
SAPADSM22Header is missing.
SAPADSM23Component is not properly set up.
SAPADSM24Request is unknown in the SAD repository.
SAPADSM25Failed to open SAP communication for request.
SAPADSM26SAP exception occurred during request.
SAPADSM27SAP system exception occurred during request.
SAPADSM28SAP error occurred during request.
SAPADSM29Component is not properly set up.
SAPADSM30Request is unknown in the SAD repository.
SAPADSM31Failed to open SAP communication for request.
SAPADSM32SAP exception occurred during request.
SAPADSM33SAP system exception occurred during request.
SAPADSM34SAP error occurred during request.
SAPADSM35No transaction id si given for request.
SAPADSM 36Composing SAP message failed.
SAPADSM 37Parsing SAP message failed.
SAPADSM 38Connection string is empty

Domain SAPSSM (SAP Service)

Refer to SAP Service for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
SAPSSM1SAP error for GetData during parsing.
SAPSSM2Message is unknown in the SAP IDoc repository.
SAPSSM3SAP IDoc repository is invalid.
SAPSSM4Segment is duplicate.
SAPSSM5Segment is corrupt.
SAPSSM6Segment is unknown.
SAPSSM7DataItem is unknown.
SAPSSM8Parent dataItem is unknown.
SAPSSM9Parent dataitem is missing.
SAPSSM10Segment is corrupt.
SAPSSM11Could not convert an IDoc segment attribute type to an internal type.
SAPSSM12SAP IDoc repository is invalid.
SAPSSM13Message is unknown in the SAP IDoc repository.
SAPSSM14IDoc segment is missing from message.
SAPSSM15DataItem is unknown.
SAPSSM16The segment has no array child at the given position.
SAPSSM17The segment type has no record child at the given position.
SAPSSM18Type conversion error. Could not map an internal attribute type to an IDoc segment attribute type.
SAPSSM19Attribute is missing.
SAPSSM20The header item is missing.
SAPSSM21A value in the header is missing.
SAPSSM22Header attribute is missing.
SAPSSM23Attribute conversion failed.
SAPSSM24Segment of type is unknown.
SAPSSM25SAP Rfc repository is invalid.
SAPSSM26Tables dataitem is unknown in the SAP Rfc repository.
SAPSSM27SAP Rfc repository is invalid.
SAPSSM28Tables dataitem is unknown in the SAP Rfc repository.
SAPSSM29Message is unknown in the SAP Rfc repository.
SAPSSM30Item is not of the expected type.
SAPSSM31Failed to create line.
SAPSSM32The actual line is too long.
SAPSSM33Message is unknown in the SAP Rfc repository.
SAPSSM34Tables attribute is invalid.
SAPSSM35Rfc attribute meta description is missing for attribute.
SAPSSM36Converting line failed.
SAPSSM37Importing is missing for request.
SAPSSM38Changing is missing for request.
SAPSSM39Tables is missing for request.
SAPSSM40Exporting is missing for request.
SAPSSM41Changing is missing for request.
SAPSSM42Tables is missing for request.
SAPSSM43Rfc attribute meta description is missing for attribute.
SAPSSM44Parameter is missing.
SAPSSM45Wrong type for parameter.
SAPSSM46Converting parameter failed.
SAPSSM47Table line is missing.
SAPSSM48Parameter is missing.
SAPSSM49Converting parameter failed.
SAPSSM50Rfc attribute meta description is missing for attribute.
SAPSSM51Rfc attribute meta description is missing for attribute.
SAPSSM52Converting table line failed.
SAPSSM53Message is unknown in the SAP IDoc repository.
SAPSSM54SAP IDoc repository is invalid.
SAPSSM55Segment is duplicate.
SAPSSM56Segment is corrupt.
SAPSSM57Segment is unknown.
SAPSSM58DataItem is unknown.
SAPSSM59Parent dataItem is unknown.
SAPSSM60Parent dataitem is missing.
SAPSSM61Segment is corrupt.
SAPSSM62Could not convert an IDoc segment attribute type to an internal type.
SAPSSM63SAP IDoc repository is invalid.
SAPSSM64Message is unknown in the SAP IDoc repository.
SAPSSM65IDoc segment is missing from message.
SAPSSM66DataItem is unknown.
SAPSSM67The segment has no array child at the given position.
SAPSSM68The segment type has no record child at the given position.
SAPSSM69Type conversion error. Could not map an internal attribute type to an IDoc segment attribute type.
SAPSSM70Attribute is missing.
SAPSSM71The header item is missing.
SAPSSM72A value in the header is missing.
SAPSSM73Header attribute is missing.
SAPSSM74Attribute conversion failed.
SAPSSM75Segment of type is unknown.
SAPSSM76Failed to retrieve a valid SAP table handle.
SAPSSM77Record name for conversion missing.
SAPSSM78Record dataitem is unknown in the SAP Rfc repository.
SAPSSM79Rfc attribute meta description is missing for attribute of data item.
SAPSSM80Rfc attribute size is smaller than actual record size.
SAPSSM81Record name for conversion missing.
SAPSSM82Record dataitem is unknown in the SAP Rfc repository.
SAPSSM83Rfc attribute meta description is missing for attribute of data item.
SAPSSM84Rfc record structure installation failed.
SAPSSM85Parameter is missing from data item.
SAPSSM86Record name for conversion missing.
SAPSSM87Record dataitem is unknown in the SAP Rfc repository.
SAPSSM88Rfc attribute meta description is missing for attribute.
SAPSSM89Parameter is missing from data item.
SAPSSM90Parameter is missing from data item.
SAPSSM91Converting parameter %lu failed.
SAPSSM92Record parameter size exceeds record size.
SAPSSM93Converting structure attribute failed.
SAPSSM94Record dataitem has wrong size.
SAPSSM95XML description of IDoc is missing.
SAPSSM96XML description of IDoc is missing.
SAPSSM97RAW Content of IDoc is missing.
SAPSSM98Failed to parse IDoc.
SAPSSM99Unexpected element while parsing XML IDoc
SAPSSM100XML description of Rfc deep-structure is missing.
SAPSSM101Expected a table of records but instead got a table of simple values.
SAPSSM102Expected input array, got record
SAPSSM103Expected input record, got array
SAPSSM104Header record is null.
SAPSSM105IDoc is missing.
SAPSSM106IDoc number is missing
SAPSSM107Duplicated IDoc number
SAPSSM108Segment number is missing.

Domain SMTPADSM (SMTP Adapter)

Refer to SMTP Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
SMTPADSM2The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
SMTPADSM3Some error in the SMTP connector subsystem.
SMTPADSM5Unknown operation.
SMTPADSM6Unknown request.
SMTPADSM7Server is missing.
SMTPADSM8Server is empty.
SMTPADSM9Server does not match pattern.
SMTPADSM10Port is missing.
SMTPADSM11Port is empty.
SMTPADSM12Port does not match pattern.
SMTPADSM13Sender is missing.
SMTPADSM14Sender is empty.
SMTPADSM15Sender does not match pattern.
SMTPADSM16DomainName is missing.
SMTPADSM17DomainName is empty.
SMTPADSM18DomainName does not match pattern.
SMTPADSM19Content is missing.
SMTPADSM22Name is missing from header parameter.
SMTPADSM23Name is empty from header parameter.
SMTPADSM24Content is missing from header parameter.
SMTPADSM25Content is empty from header parameter.
SMTPADSM27Request is incomplete.
SMTPADSM28Value is empty from recipient.

Domain SOAPADSM (SOAP Adapter)

Refer to SOAP Adapter and SOAP Service for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
SOAPADSM1The URL connector failed to setup correctly.
SOAPADSM2The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
SOAPADSM3Unknown request.
SOAPADSM4Unknown input message.
SOAPADSM5Unknown output message.
SOAPADSM7The "other side" responded with a SOAP error.
SOAPADSM8The returned SOAP message has neither a request nor a fault element.
SOAPADSM10Some error in the URL connector subsystem.
SOAPADSM11URL is empty.
SOAPADSM12URL is missing.
SOAPADSM13Name is missing from header parameter.
SOAPADSM14Name is empty from header parameter.
SOAPADSM15Content is missing from header parameter.
SOAPADSM16Content is empty from header parameter.
SOAPADSM17UserName is empty.
SOAPADSM18UserName is missing.
SOAPADSM19Proxy URL is empty.
SOAPADSM20SOAP parser message set not found.
SOAPADSM21getSOAPHeaders can only be called within a SOAP service.
SOAPADSM22setSOAPHeaders can only be called within a SOAP service.
SOAPADSM23Wrong item type for content

Domain SQLSM (SQL Adapter)

Refer to SQL Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
SQLSM1Request returned too many resultsets.
SQLSM2Number of returned items is not equal 1.
SQLSM3Can not connect to database.
SQLSM4Commit of a transaction failed.
SQLSM5Rollback of a transaction failed.
SQLSM6Exception thrown in SQL_Handler.
SQLSM7An undefined connection name has been used.
SQLSM8Did not find authorization data (db username/password) in repository for (username/password) for a given database and server user.
SQLSM9Request returned a resultset, no dataitem has been defined.
SQLSM10A result column is not defined in result item.
SQLSM11The database column type and the server type do not match.
SQLSM12The server type and the database column type do not match.
SQLSM13Invalid handle in access to database.
SQLSM18SQL template needs simple type values for substitutions.
SQLSM19SQL template overwritten with a non-string value.
SQLSM20The SQL gateway is not initialized.
SQLSM21Input parameter missing.
SQLSM22Unknown type for input parameter.
SQLSM23Illegal value for boolean.
SQLSM24Gateway not available.
SQLSM25The number of input parameters is bigger than the number of SQL command slots.
SQLSM26System exception thrown while processing result sets.
SQLSM27Missing or empty sql statement
SQLSM28Input parameter for stored procedure missing.
SQLSM29Input parameter for stored procedure unknown.
SQLSM30The type of the operation does not match with the input value.
SQLSM31Output parameter for stored procedure unknown.
SQLSM32SQL handle is missing.
SQLSM33SQL handle id attribute is missing.
SQLSM34SQL handle does not exist.
SQLSM35Error while fetching results.
SQLSM36The parameter is already set from the input structure using 'IN::' construct and will not be overwritten. It's best to avoid numerical parameters and to make sure they aren't present in the input map.

Domain SSISM

DomainError CodeDescription
SSISM1Parsing request failed.

Domain SSPSM

DomainError CodeDescription
SSPSM1The value to store and the requested type are not compatible.
SSPSM3The native XML parser reported an XML error.
SSPSM4The native XML parser reported an internal parser error.
SSPSM5The native XML parser reported an error during parsing.
SSPSM6The native XML parser reported a warning during parsing.
SSPSM7The native XML parser reported a fatal error during parsing.
SSPSM8The soap input is invalid (parser).
SSPSM9The soap repository is invalid (parser).
SSPSM10Message element ist missing (parser).
SSPSM12Invalid message (parser).
SSPSM14Message conversion failed (parser).
SSPSM16The xml repository is invalid (parser).
SSPSM17The input is invalid xml (parser).
SSPSM18The soap repository is invalid (composer).
SSPSM19Unknown soap message (composer).
SSPSM20Unknown xml message (composer).
SSPSM21No message meta found (parser).
SSPSM22Unknown soap output type (composer).
SSPSM23Unknown xml output type (composer).
SSPSM25The SOAP repository is invalid (parser).
SSPSM26Unknown SOAP message (parser).
SSPSM27SOAP dataitem for message is unknown.
SSPSM28Invalid message (parser).
SSPSM29Unknown xml message (parser).
SSPSM30XML dataitem for message is unknown.
SSPSM31Message set is unknown.
SSPSM32Message set is unknown.
SSPSM33The soap repository is invalid (composer).
SSPSM34Message set is unknown.
SSPSM35The soap repository is invalid (composer).
SSPSM36The metadata for a record is missing, probably corrupt repository.
SSPSM37Found empty SOAP request or response.
SSPSM38Found multiple consecutive elements. This indicates (ill-formed but supported) array, but expecting a record.
SSPSM39Expected and received records are incompatible.

Domain SYSADSM (System Adapter)

Refer to System Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
SYSADSM1The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
SYSADSM2Message is missing.
SYSADSM3The key for store is missing.
SYSADSM4The key for store is empty.
SYSADSM5Unknown operation.
SYSADSM6Unknown request.
SYSADSM7The key for retrieve is missing.
SYSADSM8The key for retrieve is empty.
SYSADSM9The message is not stored here.
SYSADSM10The key for remove is missing.
SYSADSM11The key for remove is empty.
SYSADSM12The message is not stored here.
SYSADSM13Could not open temporary file for writing.
SYSADSM14Invalid blob.
SYSADSM15Write error on temporary file.
SYSADSM16Could not open temporary file for reading.
SYSADSM17Could not stat temporary file.
SYSADSM18Temporary file is too large.
SYSADSM19Read error on temporary file.
SYSADSM20Could not open temporary file for reading.
SYSADSM27Command is missing.
SYSADSM28Command is empty.
SYSADSM29Request content is empty.
SYSADSM30Request is incomplete.
SYSADSM40InputFiles is missing.
SYSADSM41InputFiles is empty.
SYSADSM43OutputFiles is missing.
SYSADSM44OutputFiles is empty.
SYSADSM46Missing specified input blob.

Domain THADSM (Thread Adapter)

DomainError CodeDescription
THADSM1The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
THADSM2Request name is missing.
THADSM3Request name is empty.
THADSM4Launching thread failed.
THADSM5The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
THADSM6Thread id is missing.
THADSM7Thread id is empty.
THADSM8Timeout while waiting.
THADSM9Timeout is not given for sleep.

Domain TIMADSM (Timer Service)

Refer to Timer Service for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
TIMADSM1The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
TIMADSM2Request name is missing.
TIMADSM3Request name is empty.

Domain UCSM (Unicode)

DomainError CodeDescription
UCSM1Input data could not be converted to the intermediate.
UCSM2Could not convert between source and target codepage.
UCSM3Codepage is unknown.

Domain URLADSM (URL Adapter)

Refer to URL Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
URLADSM1The URL connector failed to setup correctly.
URLADSM2The adapter repository is not correctly set up.
URLADSM3Some error in the URL connector subsystem.
URLADSM5Unknown operation.
URLADSM6Unknown request.
URLADSM7URL is missing.
URLADSM8URL is empty.
URLADSM9Request content is empty.
URLADSM10Request is incomplete.
URLADSM11Name is missing from header parameter.
URLADSM12Name is empty from header parameter.
URLADSM13Content is missing from header parameter.
URLADSM14Content is empty from header parameter.
URLADSM16Method is empty.
URLADSM17URL does not match pattern.
URLADSM18Method does not match pattern.
URLADSM19Content does not match pattern.
URLADSM20Password is empty.
URLADSM22UserName is empty.
URLADSM24UserName is missing.
URLADSM26Proxy URL is empty.
URLADSM28Proxy type is empty.
URLADSM30Request follow redirects is empty.
URLADSM32SSL VerifyPeer is empty.
URLADSM34SSL VerifyHost is empty.
URLADSM36SSL CAInfo is empty.
URLADSM38SSL Certificate File is empty.
URLADSM39SSL Certificate Type is empty.
URLADSM42SSL Key File is empty.
URLADSM44SSL Key Type is empty.
URLADSM46SSL Key Password is empty.
URLADSM47SSL Key Password is not allowed.
URLADSM48Empty command is not allowed.
URLADSM49Can not open stream target file.
URLADSM50Can not open stream source file.
URLADSM51Stream source file name is empty.
URLADSM52Stream target file name is empty.
URLADSM53The type of given cURL option is not supported.
URLADSM54Request ignore HTTP errors flag is empty.


DomainError CodeDescription
XMLFSM1The parser repository is not correctly set up.
XMLFSM2The composer repository is not correctly set up.
XMLFSM3Unknown function requested.
XMLFSM4Unknown function requested.
XMLFSM5Unknown parser input message.
XMLFSM6Unknown output message.
XMLFSM7Error during parsing.
XMLFSM8Unknown message.
XMLFSM9Unknown message.
XMLFSM10Content is wrong type.
XMLFSM11Blob is empty.
XMLFSM12String is empty.
XMLFSM15Parser accessor failed.
XMLFSM16Composer accessor failed.
XMLFSM17Content is of wrong type.
XMLFSM18Prolog for XML composing is not array of strings

Domain XMLSM (XML Parsing)

DomainError CodeDescription
XMLSM3The native XML parser reported an XML error.
XMLSM4The native XML parser reported an internal parser error.
XMLSM5The native XML parser reported an error during parsing.
XMLSM6The native XML parser reported a warning during parsing.
XMLSM7The native XML parser reported a fatal error during parsing.
XMLSM8The parser has found a subelement that is not expected here.
XMLSM9The parser has found a subelement that wasn't expected.
XMLSM10Expected array meta information here.
XMLSM11Expected array or record meta information here.
XMLSM12Failed to convert character to simple record type.
XMLSM13Failed to convert simple array type.
XMLSM14Failed to convert element to simple record type.
XMLSM15DataItem for message is unknown.
XMLSM16Message is unknown.
XMLSM17Invalid XML repository.
XMLSM18Invalid XML repository.
XMLSM19Error with handling ignored sub-elements
XMLSM20Type not convertable.

Domain XRSM

DomainError CodeDescription
XRSM2Value is empty.
XRSM5Value is empty.

Domain ZIPADSM (ZIP Adapter)

Refer to ZIP Adapter for more information on the context.

DomainError CodeDescription
ZIPADSM1Zip file name is missing.
ZIPADSM2Array of files is missing.
ZIPADSM3Array of files must no be empty.
ZIPADSM4Can not open file for reading.
ZIPADSM5Can not open ZIP file for reading.
ZIPADSM6Can not write to ZIP file.
ZIPADSM7Can not write to ZIP file.
ZIPADSM8Error writing to ZIP file.
ZIPADSM9Can not read file.
ZIPADSM10File does not exist.
ZIPADSM11Error closing file.
ZIPADSM20Can not create directory.
ZIPADSM21Failed to read ZIP file.
ZIPADSM22Failed to process ZIP file getting details for file.
ZIPADSM23Failed to process ZIP file getting details for file.
ZIPADSM24File already exists. You can specfiy an overwrite flage if you want to replace the file.
ZIPADSM25Can not open file for reading.
ZIPADSM26Failed to process ZIP file getting content of file.
ZIPADSM27Failed to write extracted file.
ZIPADSM28Failed to process ZIP file getting global info.
ZIPADSM29Failed to process ZIP file.
ZIPADSM30Can not open ZIP file for reading. May be it is no ZIP file.
ZIPADSM31ZIP file does not exists.
ZIPADSM32Zip file name is missing.



FSADSMLength of HEX string is an odd number