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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space WMININGEN and version 20.1

The Process Analyzer is an active dialog window in which process analyses are created and managed. When Process Mining is opened for the first time, the Process Analyzer is initially empty:

As soon as analyses have been created, the corresponding charts are displayed in the Process Analyzer:

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Managing Your Analyses

The presentation of charts can be customized according to your own wishes and requirements:

  • Choose between a one, two and three column view.
  • Add headings to your analyses.
  • Change the position of analyses you have created via a simple move function.
  • Reload new instances at the click of a button.
  • Show captions for small, or all data points in the analysis.
    This function is not available for tachometer, pie charts and network charts.
  • Delete analyses no longer required from the Process Analyzer.
  • Enable individual instances of an analysis to be listed.
  • Use an analysis already created as a template.

Selecting the Number of Columns

The Process Analyzer can be divided in up to three columns.

Open the Analysis Sidebar to amend the layout. There are three buttons in the sidebar with which the number of columns can be selected.

Use the button for a single column view.

For a two-column view, choose .

Use the button  to select the three-column view.

Changing the Title of an Analysis

When creating a new analysis, the process and profile name are entered automatically as the title. You can change the title of the analysis as you wish at any time.

Change the title of the analysis by clicking on the title bar. A blue line and a cursor appear. You can now edit the text.

The title of an analysis can also be edited via the Analyses Sidebar .

Changing the Analysis Display Colors

The colors within a chart are assigned automatically when an analysis is created.

The colors assigned to individual elements can be changed as required.

Double-click the element whose color you wish to change.

An editor will open. Click on the current color to open the color selection.

Click on the color you want.

The color selected is applied. Confirm the change by clicking on Save.

The element is shown in the new color.

To ensure that analyses can be compared, the same color is always used for the same key figure in the same aggregation:


When changing colors, please note that this can affect other analyses.

Detail Display and Zoom

The charts managed in the Process Analyzer are interactive and offer a number of additional functions.

Showing Details

Move the mouse cursor over the chart content to display individual key figures.

Enlarging Sections

A zoom function within a chart is available.

Use the mouse to create a selection rectangle in order to enlarge a section.

The content of the chart is enlarged and the scale of the axes adjusted accordingly. In addition, the Reset Zoom Range button appears, which can then be used to restore the chart to its original size.

Showing and Hiding Units

If more than one item is shown on one of the two axes, these can be hidden and revealed as desired. With a mouse click in the chart key, the parameter selected in the chart is either removed or added back in.

Process count and step duration are shown:

Step duration is hidden:

The Analysis Menu

The view of an analysis created is managed via the analysis menu. The analysis currently active is identified by the colored border.

Klicken Sie eine Analyse an, um sie zu aktivieren. Das Diagramm wird mit einem farbigen Rahmen markiert.

Click on an analysis to activate it. The chart is marked with a colored border:

The analysis menu is shown when the mouse cursor is moved over an analysis:

The following functions can be used via the buttons in the menu:

titleScheer PAS BRIDGE

Image Modified

For users of the Scheer PAS BRIDGE module the analysis menu contains an additional menu item Image Removed.

Displaying the Process Diagram


This menu item is only available for BRIDGE processes

Image Removed

This button opens an overview of the BPMN model belonging to the process


Positioning Analyses

If multiple analyses have been created, these can be positioned freely. Use the button  to move and re-position the analysis.

Move the mouse cursor over the analysis to display the menu.

Select the button  to move and re-position the diagram.

Drag the analysis to the desired position.

The chart is placed in the new position. The position of the other charts is adjusted accordingly.

Reloading an Analysis

Click the button  to reload the instance data of the underlying process. This is helpful if Process Mining has been open for a while and the user wants to account for new instance data that has since been generated in the analysis.

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Displaying Data Labels

If you want to show data belonging to individual data points in an analysis, use the button .


Data captions are not available for tachometernetwork and pie charts.

The button - and thereby also the setting in the analysis - can show three versions of the analysis:


Analysis Display


In the standard setting of the button, no captions are shown in the analysis.

After the first click on the button, only the captions for "low" values ​​are displayed. In this way, users can also make those values ​​visible whose visual representation is not discernible at first glance.


Values ​​less than or equal to 1% of the value range are considered "low".

If the button is used again, the captions for all data points are displayed.


Click the button again to re-hide the data labels.

Deleting an Analysis

Using the button  the analysis can be deleted from the Process Analyzer.

To complete the action, confirm the security question.

Displaying the Instance List

When the button  is clicked, the list of all instances belonging to the underlying process is displayed. The list of instances enables the raw data of the process to be looked at in more detail. The instance list can be configured according to need. It is also possible to filter instance list data independently of the analysis.


The Examining Instances page explains in detail how the instance list can be configured and individual instances viewed.

Creating a Template

Click the button if you want to create a template from the current analysis.


Template creation is explained in a step by step guide on the Creating a Template page.

Setting Automatic Reloading

Click the  button if you want to reload analysis data at a specified interval automatically.

You can set the following time intervals:

  • 15 minutes
  • 5 minutes
  • 1 minute
  • 15 seconds

Click the button several times to switch between time intervals. The interval selected is displayed at the center of the button: 

Otherwise the data will only be updated as described under Reloading an Analysis .

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Displaying the Process Diagram

Image Added

For users of the Scheer PAS BRIDGE the analysis menu contains an additional menu item: Image Added .

Image Added

This button opens an overview of the BPMN model belonging to the process.

