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Deploying the Services

If you are deploying the services for the first time (and not just updating them), do not check Startup Service to start the service after deployment. In this case, the service settings will still be missing on the Scheer PAS Bridge and you will have to adapt them to your configuration before starting the services (see Configuring the Process Mining Services).

Installing the Process Mining Services

  1. Unzipping the Release Package.
    Unzip file dashboards-<version number>.zip. This ZIP archive contains all necessary files to install Process Mining.

  2. Installing the Node.js Services.
    Open a browser window, go to your Bridge instance and deploy the Node.js repository including

    • analytics-api-service_<version number>.zip  

    • analytics-collector-service_<version number>.zip

    • analytics-etl-service_<version number>.zip

    • bpaas-cockpit_<version number>.zip

    • bpaas-cockpit-service_<version number>.zip

    If you need more information on how to deploy a service repository to a Scheer PAS Bridge, refer to the Bridge Documentation > Deployment of Node.js Services

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