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Updating a Gui-less Installation of the Bridge

The gui-less installation provides a fast way to install or update the Bridge. You simply need to run the installer of the new Bridge version with the properties file you have defined upon installing the Bridge.

Start the update with the following command:

java -jar BridgeInstaller-<installer version>.jar -guiless -installproperties -debuglevel info

Never change the after first installation, but use the same file for every update afterwards!

Bridge / Bridge Only exception is, when you are moving from a version below to a higher version. Since then, the settings console.ip.address and console.hostname are mandatory. It is necessary that you edit your existing file before making an update installation. If you don't specify these settings, you will get additional node instances and proxy nodes and won't be able to deploy services anymore.

If you need to change Bridge configurations, you need to:

  1. Uninstall the Bridge as described on Uninstalling the Bridge, and keep the Bridge data directory.

  2. Install the Bridge applying the new configuration as described on Installing the Bridge (Installer).

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