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Unzipping the Builder Examples

The Builder is shipped with many examples covering all types of use cases:

  • Basic Modeling Examples

  • Advanced Modeling Examples

  • xUML Adapters (Add-ons)

  • xUML Action Language Examples

  • Testing Concepts Examples

  • Quick Start Example

  • Education

These Examples can be unpacked by selecting Examples from the Builder menu. Specify here the folder you want to extract the examples to (default is C:\Documentation).

Next, check the examples you want to extract to the specified folder. Check the top level folder, if you want to extract all examples in from this folder. The version displayed in arrow brackets reflects the version of the example contained in the Builder installation.

If you check Open Project after Installation, the selected example will be opened in MagicDraw after extraction. Click OK to start the extraction:

If you reopen this dialog after you have unzipped some examples, the installed version of these examples will be displayed in red after the project name in the list of examples:

Example References in the Scheer PAS Documentation

Several Scheer E2E sample UML models are provided with the Bridge installer. You can unpack them to a folder of your choice as described in Unzipping the Builder Examples.
If provided for a discussed topic, you will find example references as shown below at the beginning of a chapter.

In the example reference below, the array sort example is part of the E2E Builder project E2E Action Language. Open this Builder project and choose the UML model arrayConcat.xml.

Example File (Builder project E2E Action Language/Array):

<your example path>\E2E Action Language\Array\uml\arrayConcat.xml

The <your example path> is the path where you installed the examples to. Default path is C:\E2E Documentation.
Clicking the download icon in the example reference allows you to download the latest version of the example project from the documentation pages.

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